GCC 6.1 Compiler Optimization Benchmarks

GCC 6.1.0 compiler benchmarks with different optimization flags. Intel Xeon E5-2687W v3 GCC compiler benchmarks on Debian. Tests by Michael Larabel of Phoronix for a future article.

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GCC 6.1 Compiler Optimization BenchmarksOpenBenchmarking.orgPhoronix Test SuiteIntel Xeon E5-2687W v3 @ 3.50GHz (20 Cores)MSI X99S SLI PLUS (MS-7885) v1.0Intel Xeon E7 v3/Xeon16384MBPNY CS1211 120GB + 80GB INTEL SSDSCKGW08AMD FirePro V7900 2048MBRealtek ALC892ASUS PB278Intel ConnectionDebian testing4.5.0-1-amd64 (x86_64)X Server 1.18.3modesetting Mesa 11.1.3 Gallium 0.4GCC 6.1.0ext42560x1440ProcessorMotherboardChipsetMemoryDiskGraphicsAudioMonitorNetworkOSKernelDisplay ServerDisplay DriverOpenGLCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionGCC 6.1 Compiler Optimization Benchmarks PerformanceSystem Logs- --disable-multilib --enable-checking=release- Scaling Governor: intel_pstate powersave

-O0-Os-Og-O1-O2-O3-O3 -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-Ofast -march=nativeResult OverviewPhoronix Test Suite100%446%792%1139%1485%Himeno BenchmarkHierarchical INTegrationTimed PHP CompilationTimed ImageMagick CompilationSciMark

GCC 6.1 Compiler Optimization Benchmarksencode-flac: WAV To FLACgraphics-magick: Blurgraphics-magick: Sharpengraphics-magick: Resizinggraphics-magick: HWB Color Spacegraphics-magick: Local Adaptive Thresholdinghint: FLOAThimeno: Poisson Pressure Solverencode-mp3: WAV To MP3pgbench: Buffer Test - Normal Load - Read Writepgbench: Buffer Test - Single Thread - Read Writepgbench: Buffer Test - Heavy Contention - Read Writeredis: LPOPredis: SADDredis: LPUSHredis: GETredis: SETscimark2: Compositescimark2: Monte Carloscimark2: Fast Fourier Transformscimark2: Sparse Matrix Multiplyscimark2: Dense LU Matrix Factorizationscimark2: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxationhmmer: Pfam Database Searchbuild-imagemagick: Time To Compilebuild-php: Time To Compile-O0-Os-Og-O1-O2-O3-O3 -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-Ofast -march=native46.7482719711017103731655.85424.5736.024468.97303.934840.76547091.88491891.31476295.97548655.63479934.921407.02545.51440.572565.942454.121028.9513.829.345.5810.6211012416818868303914359.331181.1816.284275.85346.324497.15642758.08607478.25598808.52645755.96596757.101426.79552.04456.352589.562482.131053.8810.6832.4311.618.1111310014916854326497871.931102.6417.154364.38353.154538.18637156.51582272.77602047.96652904.39592312.441427.70546.26456.612580.322521.751033.568.2313.358.187.6813713516818776242450705.971060.9315.144257.86351.474494.38655900.13605722.93589230.57655681.23597265.481437.73551.44447.312609.452534.081046.3610.1927.249.766.6813113417418682317711776.831916.5614.264322.67363.874494.08649030.83598759.46599526.56628643.96586099.291426.80537.90461.552571.062534.231029.2711.6338.5516.086.8313013617118583312279718.271895.4512.524495.93351.894720.08646935.48605861.48593409.02669846.73587251.751442.30547.85458.562622.502531.291051.2713.0855.4517.597.0113814318019085310268777.872113.0412.454281.30349.974539.62655097.69615258.45584299.37631189.52584905.041388.10547.58443.712440.962468.301039.9413.0455.4018.10312975471.932150.961445.10614.59465.502511.392586.621047.43121.4582.867.0314414518220486309403432.892019.6111.34656696.79616016.48598935.85631191.87588019.671421.80553.28468.612517.372519.721050.058.3255.8917.99OpenBenchmarking.org

FLAC Audio Encoding

This test times how long it takes to encode a sample WAV file to FLAC format three times. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterFLAC Audio Encoding 1.3.1WAV To FLAC-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01122334455SE +/- 0.05, N = 5SE +/- 0.07, N = 5SE +/- 0.04, N = 5SE +/- 0.10, N = 5SE +/- 0.04, N = 5SE +/- 0.07, N = 5SE +/- 0.04, N = 5SE +/- 0.12, N = 510.628. -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options: -fvisibility=hidden -lm


This is a test of GraphicsMagick with its OpenMP implementation that performs various imaging tests to stress the system's CPU. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations Per Minute, More Is BetterGraphicsMagick 1.3.19Operation: Blur-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0306090120150SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 1.53, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 1.20, N = 3SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 311011314413813013113782-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fopenmp -pthread -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lz -lm -ldl -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations Per Minute, More Is BetterGraphicsMagick 1.3.19Operation: Sharpen-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0306090120150SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 312410014514313613413571-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fopenmp -pthread -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lz -lm -ldl -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations Per Minute, More Is BetterGraphicsMagick 1.3.19Operation: Resizing-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O04080120160200SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.67, N = 3SE +/- 1.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 316814918218017117416897-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fopenmp -pthread -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lz -lm -ldl -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations Per Minute, More Is BetterGraphicsMagick 1.3.19Operation: HWB Color Space-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O04080120160200SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3188168204190185186187110-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fopenmp -pthread -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lz -lm -ldl -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations Per Minute, More Is BetterGraphicsMagick 1.3.19Operation: Local Adaptive Thresholding-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O020406080100SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.58, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.33, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 36854868583827617-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fopenmp -pthread -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lz -lm -ldl -lpthread

Hierarchical INTegration

This test runs the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory Hierarchical INTegration (HINT) benchmark. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgQUIPs, More Is BetterHierarchical INTegration 1.0Test: FLOAT-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O070M140M210M280M350MSE +/- 119724.21, N = 3SE +/- 179064.26, N = 3SE +/- 547786.00, N = 3SE +/- 100984.48, N = 3SE +/- 619811.97, N = 3SE +/- 978215.41, N = 3SE +/- 1047951.03, N = 3SE +/- 222306.33, N = 3SE +/- 246206.62, N = 3303914359.33326497871.93309403432.89312975471.93310268777.87312279718.27317711776.83242450705.97103731655.85-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -lm

Himeno Benchmark

The Himeno benchmark is a linear solver of pressure Poisson using a point-Jacobi method. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMFLOPS, More Is BetterHimeno Benchmark 3.0Poisson Pressure Solver-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O05001000150020002500SE +/- 3.40, N = 3SE +/- 1.19, N = 3SE +/- 3.96, N = 3SE +/- 7.85, N = 3SE +/- 9.13, N = 3SE +/- 6.74, N = 3SE +/- 4.78, N = 3SE +/- 1.09, N = 3SE +/- 0.64, N = 31181.181102.642019.612150.962113.041895.451916.561060.93424.57-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-march=native -flto-march=native-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -mavx2

LAME MP3 Encoding

LAME is an MP3 encoder licensed under the LGPL. This test measures the time required to encode a WAV file to MP3 format. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterLAME MP3 Encoding 3.99.3WAV To MP3-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0816243240SE +/- 0.06, N = 5SE +/- 0.06, N = 5SE +/- 0.07, N = 5SE +/- 0.10, N = 5SE +/- 0.09, N = 5SE +/- 0.10, N = 5SE +/- 0.08, N = 5SE +/- 0.09, N = 516.2817.1511.3412.4512.5214.2615.1436.02-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -pipe -lm

PostgreSQL pgbench

OpenBenchmarking.orgTPS, More Is BetterPostgreSQL pgbench 9.4.3Scaling: Buffer Test - Test: Normal Load - Mode: Read Write-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O010002000300040005000SE +/- 32.55, N = 3SE +/- 64.39, N = 5SE +/- 18.80, N = 3SE +/- 64.78, N = 6SE +/- 62.15, N = 5SE +/- 80.41, N = 6SE +/- 44.94, N = 34275.854364.384281.304495.934322.674257.864468.97-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lpthread -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgTPS, More Is BetterPostgreSQL pgbench 9.4.3Scaling: Buffer Test - Test: Single Thread - Mode: Read Write-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O080160240320400SE +/- 4.13, N = 3SE +/- 5.68, N = 6SE +/- 1.70, N = 3SE +/- 2.78, N = 3SE +/- 2.06, N = 3SE +/- 5.58, N = 3SE +/- 4.48, N = 6346.32353.15349.97351.89363.87351.47303.93-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lpthread -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgTPS, More Is BetterPostgreSQL pgbench 9.4.3Scaling: Buffer Test - Test: Heavy Contention - Mode: Read Write-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O010002000300040005000SE +/- 27.80, N = 3SE +/- 54.29, N = 3SE +/- 66.74, N = 3SE +/- 40.24, N = 3SE +/- 19.05, N = 3SE +/- 67.44, N = 4SE +/- 21.91, N = 34497.154538.184539.624720.084494.084494.384840.76-Os-Og-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lpthread -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm


Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgRequests Per Second, More Is BetterRedis 3.0.1Test: LPOP-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0140K280K420K560K700KSE +/- 12533.78, N = 3SE +/- 8860.98, N = 6SE +/- 5651.00, N = 3SE +/- 10960.53, N = 3SE +/- 11650.40, N = 6SE +/- 5733.33, N = 3SE +/- 2503.49, N = 3SE +/- 3542.72, N = 3642758.08637156.51656696.79655097.69646935.48649030.83655900.13547091.881. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl

OpenBenchmarking.orgRequests Per Second, More Is BetterRedis 3.0.1Test: SADD-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0130K260K390K520K650KSE +/- 4522.27, N = 3SE +/- 11078.60, N = 6SE +/- 126.46, N = 3SE +/- 126.17, N = 3SE +/- 3715.65, N = 3SE +/- 9681.71, N = 3SE +/- 2982.88, N = 3SE +/- 1350.43, N = 3607478.25582272.77616016.48615258.45605861.48598759.46605722.93491891.311. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl

OpenBenchmarking.orgRequests Per Second, More Is BetterRedis 3.0.1Test: LPUSH-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0130K260K390K520K650KSE +/- 1356.34, N = 3SE +/- 553.25, N = 3SE +/- 2036.63, N = 3SE +/- 11218.12, N = 6SE +/- 4012.35, N = 3SE +/- 1359.59, N = 3SE +/- 8590.61, N = 6SE +/- 2663.98, N = 3598808.52602047.96598935.85584299.37593409.02599526.56589230.57476295.971. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl

OpenBenchmarking.orgRequests Per Second, More Is BetterRedis 3.0.1Test: GET-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0140K280K420K560K700KSE +/- 3565.12, N = 3SE +/- 2604.35, N = 3SE +/- 6785.13, N = 3SE +/- 10870.06, N = 4SE +/- 4253.76, N = 3SE +/- 5831.74, N = 3SE +/- 5335.15, N = 3SE +/- 1566.53, N = 3645755.96652904.39631191.87631189.52669846.73628643.96655681.23548655.631. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl

OpenBenchmarking.orgRequests Per Second, More Is BetterRedis 3.0.1Test: SET-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0130K260K390K520K650KSE +/- 5397.69, N = 3SE +/- 1909.49, N = 3SE +/- 2097.48, N = 3SE +/- 8041.99, N = 3SE +/- 8111.26, N = 5SE +/- 6845.46, N = 3SE +/- 1956.89, N = 3SE +/- 7680.16, N = 3596757.10592312.44588019.67584905.04587251.75586099.29597265.48479934.921. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl


This test runs the ANSI C version of SciMark 2.0, which is a benchmark for scientific and numerical computing developed by programmers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This test is made up of Fast Foruier Transform, Jacobi Successive Over-relaxation, Monte Carlo, Sparse Matrix Multiply, and dense LU matrix factorization benchmarks. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Composite-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O030060090012001500SE +/- 2.83, N = 4SE +/- 3.98, N = 4SE +/- 5.38, N = 4SE +/- 7.57, N = 4SE +/- 4.89, N = 4SE +/- 2.58, N = 4SE +/- 7.42, N = 4SE +/- 1.73, N = 4SE +/- 8.59, N = 41426.791427.701421.801445.101388.101442.301426.801437.731407.02-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Monte Carlo-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0130260390520650SE +/- 1.68, N = 4SE +/- 5.79, N = 4SE +/- 1.67, N = 4SE +/- 6.00, N = 4SE +/- 5.84, N = 4SE +/- 3.64, N = 4SE +/- 9.59, N = 4SE +/- 1.22, N = 4SE +/- 6.16, N = 4552.04546.26553.28614.59547.58547.85537.90551.44545.51-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Fast Fourier Transform-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0100200300400500SE +/- 1.29, N = 4SE +/- 3.34, N = 4SE +/- 0.63, N = 4SE +/- 3.19, N = 4SE +/- 1.70, N = 4SE +/- 2.05, N = 4SE +/- 2.20, N = 4SE +/- 3.48, N = 4SE +/- 5.60, N = 4456.35456.61468.61465.50443.71458.56461.55447.31440.57-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O06001200180024003000SE +/- 21.77, N = 4SE +/- 13.12, N = 4SE +/- 19.13, N = 4SE +/- 24.76, N = 4SE +/- 12.32, N = 4SE +/- 9.06, N = 4SE +/- 32.30, N = 4SE +/- 3.88, N = 4SE +/- 9.07, N = 42589.562580.322517.372511.392440.962622.502571.062609.452565.94-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O06001200180024003000SE +/- 18.22, N = 4SE +/- 4.63, N = 4SE +/- 11.60, N = 4SE +/- 28.87, N = 4SE +/- 10.80, N = 4SE +/- 7.24, N = 4SE +/- 3.32, N = 4SE +/- 7.15, N = 4SE +/- 26.42, N = 42482.132521.752519.722586.622468.302531.292534.232534.082454.12-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

OpenBenchmarking.orgMflops, More Is BetterSciMark 2.0Computational Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O02004006008001000SE +/- 1.16, N = 4SE +/- 8.62, N = 4SE +/- 0.76, N = 4SE +/- 6.06, N = 4SE +/- 6.48, N = 4SE +/- 2.16, N = 4SE +/- 12.72, N = 4SE +/- 3.32, N = 4SE +/- 9.29, N = 41053.881033.561050.051047.431039.941051.271029.271046.361028.95-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CXX) g++ options:

Timed HMMer Search

This test searches through the Pfam database of profile hidden markov models. The search finds the domain structure of Drosophila Sevenless protein. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed HMMer Search 2.3.2Pfam Database Search-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O048121620SE +/- 0.19, N = 3SE +/- 0.05, N = 3SE +/- 0.27, N = 6SE +/- 0.68, N = 6SE +/- 0.35, N = 6SE +/- 0.51, N = 6SE +/- 0.16, N = 6SE +/- 0.01, N = 310.688.238.3213.0413.0811.6310.1913.82-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O01. (CC) gcc options: -pthread -lhmmer -lsquid -lm

Timed ImageMagick Compilation

This test times how long it takes to build ImageMagick. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed ImageMagick Compilation 6.9.0Time To Compile-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O0306090120150SE +/- 0.08, N = 3SE +/- 0.13, N = 3SE +/- 0.09, N = 3SE +/- 0.25, N = 3SE +/- 0.23, N = 3SE +/- 0.14, N = 3SE +/- 0.06, N = 3SE +/- 0.21, N = 3SE +/- 0.10, N = 332.4313.3555.89121.4555.4055.4538.5527.249.34

Timed PHP Compilation

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed PHP Compilation 5.2.9Time To Compile-Os-Og-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O1-O020406080100SE +/- 0.06, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.04, N = 3SE +/- 0.10, N = 3SE +/- 0.19, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.04, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 311.618.1817.9982.8618.1017.5916.089.765.58-Os-Ofast -march=native-O3 -march=native -flto-O3 -march=native-O3-O2-O11. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -ldl -lz -lm