
Intel Core i5-4250U testing with a Apple MacBook Air and Intel HD 5000 2GB on macOS 10.15.7 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

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October 23 2022
  1 Minute
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sdr-macbook-air-catalinaOpenBenchmarking.orgPhoronix Test SuiteIntel Core i5-4250U @ 1.30GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads)Apple MacBook AirApple SSD2 x GB DDR3-1600MHz121 33GB APPLE SSD TS0128FIntel HD 5000 2GBColor LCDmacOS 10.15.719.6.0 (x86_64)Clang 12.0.0 + GCC 12.0.0APFS1366x768ProcessorMotherboardChipsetMemoryDiskGraphicsMonitorOSKernelCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionSdr-macbook-air-catalina BenchmarksSystem Logs- XPC_FLAGS=0x0- CPU Microcode: 38

sdr-macbook-air-catalinaliquid-dsp: 4 - 256 -


srsRAN is an open-source LTE/5G software radio suite created by Software Radio Systems (SRS). The srsRAN radio suite was formerly known as srsLTE and can be used for building your own software-defined radio (SDR) 4G/5G mobile network. Learn more via the test page.

Test: OFDM_Test

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/src/phy/dft/test/ofdm_test: No such file or directory

Test: 4G PHY_DL_Test 100 PRB MIMO 64-QAM

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/test/phy/phy_dl_test: No such file or directory

Test: 4G PHY_DL_Test 100 PRB SISO 64-QAM

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/test/phy/phy_dl_test: No such file or directory

Test: 4G PHY_DL_Test 100 PRB MIMO 256-QAM

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/test/phy/phy_dl_test: No such file or directory

Test: 4G PHY_DL_Test 100 PRB SISO 256-QAM

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/test/phy/phy_dl_test: No such file or directory

Test: 5G PHY_DL_NR Test 52 PRB SISO 64-QAM

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. The test run did not produce a result. E: srsran: line 3: ./lib/test/phy/phy_dl_nr_test: No such file or directory


LuaRadio is a lightweight software-defined radio (SDR) framework built atop LuaJIT. LuaRadio provides a suite of source, sink, and processing blocks, with a simple API for defining flow graphs, running flow graphs, creating blocks, and creating data types. Learn more via the test page.

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. E: env: luajit: No such file or directory


LiquidSDR's Liquid-DSP is a software-defined radio (SDR) digital signal processing library. This test profile runs a multi-threaded benchmark of this SDR/DSP library focused on embedded platform usage. Learn more via the test page.

Threads: 1 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. E: Reason: image not found

Threads: 2 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. E: Reason: image not found

Threads: 4 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57

sdr-macbook-air-catalina: The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. The test quit with a non-zero exit status. E: Reason: image not found