deadline/32 Compiler Notes: --build=x86_64-generic-linux --disable-multiarch --disable-multilib --disable-vtable-verify --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-bootstrap --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go --enable-ld=default --enable-libmpx --enable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --exec-prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include --target=x86_64-generic-linux --with-arch=westmere --with-glibc-version=2.19 --with-gnu-ld --with-isl --with-ppl=yes --with-system-libunwind --with-tune=haswellDisk Notes: DEADLINE / data=ordered,relatime,rwProcessor Notes: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performanceSystem Notes: Python 2.7.11.
deadline/64 Processor: Intel Core i7-5557U @ 3.10GHz (4 Cores), Motherboard: Intel NUC5i7RYB, Chipset: Intel Broadwell-U-OPI, Memory: 16384MB, Disk: 120GB INTEL SSDSC2BW12, Graphics: Intel Broadwell-U (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Broadwell-U Audio, Monitor: DELL S2409W, Network: Intel Connection + Intel Wireless 7265
OS: Clear Linux 700, Kernel: 4.5.2-202.native (x86_64), Display Driver: intel 2.99.917, Compiler: GCC 6.1.0 + Clang 3.8.0 + LLVM 3.8.0, File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080
deadline Phoronix Test Suite Intel Core i7-5557U @ 3.10GHz (4 Cores) Intel NUC5i7RYB Intel Broadwell-U-OPI 16384MB 120GB INTEL SSDSC2BW12 Intel Broadwell-U (1100MHz) Intel Broadwell-U Audio DELL S2409W Intel Connection + Intel Wireless 7265 Clear Linux 700 4.5.2-202.native (x86_64) intel 2.99.917 GCC 6.1.0 + Clang 3.8.0 + LLVM 3.8.0 ext4 1920x1080 Processor Motherboard Chipset Memory Disk Graphics Audio Monitor Network OS Kernel Display Driver Compiler File-System Screen Resolution Deadline Benchmarks System Logs - --build=x86_64-generic-linux --disable-multiarch --disable-multilib --disable-vtable-verify --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-bootstrap --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go --enable-ld=default --enable-libmpx --enable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --exec-prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include --target=x86_64-generic-linux --with-arch=westmere --with-glibc-version=2.19 --with-gnu-ld --with-isl --with-ppl=yes --with-system-libunwind --with-tune=haswell - DEADLINE / data=ordered,relatime,rw - Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performance - Python 2.7.11.
deadline/32 vs. deadline/64 Comparison Phoronix Test Suite Baseline +2.2% +2.2% +4.4% +4.4% +6.6% +6.6% LPOP 8.7% Rand Write 5% 4Kb - 4GB - Read Performance 3.4% 4Kb - 2GB - Read Performance 2.7% SET 2.5% Redis AIO-Stress IOzone IOzone Redis deadline/32 deadline/64
deadline redis: SET iozone: 4Kb - 8GB - Read Performance fs-mark: 1000 Files, 1MB Size compilebench: Compile iozone: 1MB - 8GB - Read Performance iozone: 64Kb - 2GB - Read Performance iozone: 1MB - 4GB - Read Performance iozone: 1MB - 512MB - Write Performance iozone: 1MB - 2GB - Read Performance encode-ogg: WAV To Ogg iozone: 64Kb - 4GB - Read Performance fs-mark: 4000 Files, 32 Sub Dirs, 1MB Size redis: LPUSH iozone: 64Kb - 512MB - Write Performance compilebench: Read Compiled Tree postmark: Disk Transaction Performance iozone: 64Kb - 512MB - Read Performance redis: SADD iozone: 1MB - 4GB - Write Performance fs-mark: 1000 Files, 1MB Size, No Sync/FSync redis: GET iozone: 4Kb - 512MB - Read Performance iozone: 4Kb - 4GB - Write Performance iozone: 1MB - 8GB - Write Performance iozone: 4Kb - 512MB - Write Performance apache: Static Web Page Serving iozone: 64Kb - 4GB - Write Performance iozone: 64Kb - 2GB - Write Performance iozone: 4Kb - 8GB - Write Performance iozone: 1MB - 512MB - Read Performance unpack-linux: linux-2.6.32.tar.bz2 iozone: 64Kb - 8GB - Read Performance iozone: 4Kb - 2GB - Write Performance pybench: Total For Average Test Times iozone: 1MB - 2GB - Write Performance iozone: 64Kb - 8GB - Write Performance redis: LPOP compilebench: Initial Create iozone: 4Kb - 4GB - Read Performance iozone: 4Kb - 2GB - Read Performance fs-mark: 5000 Files, 1MB Size, 4 Threads aio-stress: Rand Write deadline/32 deadline/64 1892474.90 7790.87 81.88 1830.38 8574.47 8652.74 8389.08 420.60 8112.71 6.94 8928.91 81.78 1967771.61 424.23 1181.68 6738 7368.68 2080877.51 491.41 2686.38 2439225.58 6402.08 490.23 498.61 421.85 27870.15 490.95 475.69 499.01 6977.39 9.23 9219.87 472.92 1516 474.84 499.96 2495003.99 479.93 7565.55 7280.65 202.31 2856.54 1846354.89 7642.77 83.14 1858.30 8455.35 8534.33 8289.52 424.99 8030.42 6.87 8844.29 82.38 1954059.39 426.94 1174.51 6775 7408.27 2069795.20 489.08 2675.01 2430381.30 6424.57 488.53 500.12 422.99 27797.92 492.12 476.47 499.72 6985.40 9.22 9228.66 473.28 1515 475.15 499.97 2294320.98 479.50 7313.41 7089.34 203.32 2720.80
Redis Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Redis 3.0.1 Test: SET deadline/64 deadline/32 400K 800K 1200K 1600K 2000K SE +/- 23088.08, N = 20 SE +/- 8268.50, N = 10 1846354.89 1892474.90 1. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl -std=gnu99 -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi
Compile Bench Compilebench tries to age a filesystem by simulating some of the disk IO common in creating, compiling, patching, stating and reading kernel trees. It indirectly measures how well filesystems can maintain directory locality as the disk fills up and directories age. This current test is setup to use the makej mode with 10 initial directories Learn more via the test page. MB/s, More Is Better Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Compile deadline/64 deadline/32 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 11.85, N = 10 SE +/- 17.14, N = 20 1858.30 1830.38 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 64Kb - File Size: 2GB - Disk Test: Read Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 2K 4K 6K 8K 10K SE +/- 78.06, N = 10 SE +/- 18.42, N = 10 8534.33 8652.74 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 1MB - File Size: 4GB - Disk Test: Read Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 2K 4K 6K 8K 10K SE +/- 32.27, N = 10 SE +/- 41.58, N = 10 8289.52 8389.08 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 1MB - File Size: 512MB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 90 180 270 360 450 SE +/- 0.90, N = 10 SE +/- 3.45, N = 20 424.99 420.60 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 1MB - File Size: 2GB - Disk Test: Read Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 2K 4K 6K 8K 10K SE +/- 61.77, N = 10 SE +/- 33.76, N = 10 8030.42 8112.71 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
Ogg Encoding Seconds, Fewer Is Better Ogg Encoding 1.3.0 WAV To Ogg deadline/64 deadline/32 2 4 6 8 10 SE +/- 0.02, N = 10 SE +/- 0.06, N = 20 6.87 6.94 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -ffast-math -fsigned-char -O3 -pipe -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi -lvorbis -logg
Redis Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Redis 3.0.1 Test: LPUSH deadline/64 deadline/32 400K 800K 1200K 1600K 2000K SE +/- 14199.58, N = 10 SE +/- 9656.16, N = 10 1954059.39 1967771.61 1. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl -std=gnu99 -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi
Compile Bench Compilebench tries to age a filesystem by simulating some of the disk IO common in creating, compiling, patching, stating and reading kernel trees. It indirectly measures how well filesystems can maintain directory locality as the disk fills up and directories age. This current test is setup to use the makej mode with 10 initial directories Learn more via the test page. MB/s, More Is Better Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Read Compiled Tree deadline/64 deadline/32 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 5.18, N = 10 SE +/- 3.48, N = 10 1174.51 1181.68
PostMark This is a test of NetApp's PostMark benchmark designed to simulate small-file testing similar to the tasks endured by web and mail servers. This test profile will set PostMark to perform 25,000 transactions with 500 files simultaneously with the file sizes ranging between 5 and 512 kilobytes. Learn more via the test page. TPS, More Is Better PostMark 1.51 Disk Transaction Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 SE +/- 18.80, N = 10 SE +/- 17.80, N = 10 6775 6738 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
Redis Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Redis 3.0.1 Test: SADD deadline/64 deadline/32 400K 800K 1200K 1600K 2000K SE +/- 7665.80, N = 10 SE +/- 5804.38, N = 10 2069795.20 2080877.51 1. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl -std=gnu99 -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi
Redis Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Redis 3.0.1 Test: GET deadline/64 deadline/32 500K 1000K 1500K 2000K 2500K SE +/- 23276.04, N = 10 SE +/- 26024.07, N = 10 2430381.30 2439225.58 1. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl -std=gnu99 -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 4Kb - File Size: 4GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 110 220 330 440 550 SE +/- 2.70, N = 10 SE +/- 0.46, N = 10 488.53 490.23 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 1MB - File Size: 8GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 110 220 330 440 550 SE +/- 0.10, N = 10 SE +/- 0.85, N = 10 500.12 498.61 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 4Kb - File Size: 512MB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 90 180 270 360 450 SE +/- 0.69, N = 10 SE +/- 0.77, N = 10 422.99 421.85 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
Apache Benchmark This is a test of ab, which is the Apache benchmark program. This test profile measures how many requests per second a given system can sustain when carrying out 1,000,000 requests with 100 requests being carried out concurrently. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Apache Benchmark 2.4.7 Static Web Page Serving deadline/64 deadline/32 6K 12K 18K 24K 30K SE +/- 96.42, N = 10 SE +/- 90.91, N = 10 27797.92 27870.15 1. (CC) gcc options: -shared -fPIC -pthread -O3 -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 64Kb - File Size: 2GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 100 200 300 400 500 SE +/- 0.31, N = 10 SE +/- 0.38, N = 10 476.47 475.69 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 4Kb - File Size: 8GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 110 220 330 440 550 SE +/- 0.25, N = 10 SE +/- 0.34, N = 10 499.72 499.01 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 1MB - File Size: 512MB - Disk Test: Read Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 SE +/- 44.18, N = 10 SE +/- 44.64, N = 10 6985.40 6977.39 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 4Kb - File Size: 2GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 100 200 300 400 500 SE +/- 0.65, N = 10 SE +/- 0.69, N = 10 473.28 472.92 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 64Kb - File Size: 8GB - Disk Test: Write Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 110 220 330 440 550 SE +/- 0.13, N = 10 SE +/- 0.16, N = 10 499.97 499.96 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
Redis Redis is an open-source data structure server. Learn more via the test page. Requests Per Second, More Is Better Redis 3.0.1 Test: LPOP deadline/64 deadline/32 500K 1000K 1500K 2000K 2500K SE +/- 83790.11, N = 20 SE +/- 62939.70, N = 20 2294320.98 2495003.99 1. (CC) gcc options: -ggdb -rdynamic -lm -pthread -ldl -std=gnu99 -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops -fexceptions -fstack-protector -m64 -march=westmere -mtune=native -malign-data=abi
Compile Bench Compilebench tries to age a filesystem by simulating some of the disk IO common in creating, compiling, patching, stating and reading kernel trees. It indirectly measures how well filesystems can maintain directory locality as the disk fills up and directories age. This current test is setup to use the makej mode with 10 initial directories Learn more via the test page. MB/s, More Is Better Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Initial Create deadline/64 deadline/32 100 200 300 400 500 SE +/- 3.15, N = 10 SE +/- 10.98, N = 10 479.50 479.93 MB/s, More Is Better IOzone 3.405 Record Size: 4Kb - File Size: 2GB - Disk Test: Read Performance deadline/64 deadline/32 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 115.10, N = 20 SE +/- 24.82, N = 10 7089.34 7280.65 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
deadline/32 Compiler Notes: --build=x86_64-generic-linux --disable-multiarch --disable-multilib --disable-vtable-verify --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-bootstrap --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go --enable-ld=default --enable-libmpx --enable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --exec-prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include --target=x86_64-generic-linux --with-arch=westmere --with-glibc-version=2.19 --with-gnu-ld --with-isl --with-ppl=yes --with-system-libunwind --with-tune=haswellDisk Notes: DEADLINE / data=ordered,relatime,rwProcessor Notes: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performanceSystem Notes: Python 2.7.11.
Testing initiated at 1 May 2016 18:28 by user root.
deadline/64 Processor: Intel Core i7-5557U @ 3.10GHz (4 Cores), Motherboard: Intel NUC5i7RYB, Chipset: Intel Broadwell-U-OPI, Memory: 16384MB, Disk: 120GB INTEL SSDSC2BW12, Graphics: Intel Broadwell-U (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Broadwell-U Audio, Monitor: DELL S2409W, Network: Intel Connection + Intel Wireless 7265
OS: Clear Linux 700, Kernel: 4.5.2-202.native (x86_64), Display Driver: intel 2.99.917, Compiler: GCC 6.1.0 + Clang 3.8.0 + LLVM 3.8.0, File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080
Compiler Notes: --build=x86_64-generic-linux --disable-multiarch --disable-multilib --disable-vtable-verify --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-bootstrap --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go --enable-ld=default --enable-libmpx --enable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --exec-prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include --target=x86_64-generic-linux --with-arch=westmere --with-glibc-version=2.19 --with-gnu-ld --with-isl --with-ppl=yes --with-system-libunwind --with-tune=haswellDisk Notes: DEADLINE / data=ordered,relatime,rwProcessor Notes: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performanceSystem Notes: Python 2.7.11.
Testing initiated at 1 May 2016 21:03 by user root.