i915_capabilities - no-lto

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gen: 8
platform: BROADWELL
pch: 3
is_mobile: no
is_lp: no
is_alpha_support: no
has_64bit_reloc: yes
has_aliasing_ppgtt: yes
has_csr: no
has_ddi: yes
has_decoupled_mmio: no
has_dp_mst: yes
has_fbc: yes
has_fpga_dbg: yes
has_full_ppgtt: yes
has_full_48bit_ppgtt: yes
has_gmbus_irq: yes
has_gmch_display: no
has_guc: no
has_hotplug: yes
has_hw_contexts: yes
has_l3_dpf: no
has_llc: yes
has_logical_ring_contexts: yes
has_overlay: no
has_pipe_cxsr: no
has_pooled_eu: no
has_psr: yes
has_rc6: yes
has_rc6p: no
has_resource_streamer: yes
has_runtime_pm: yes
has_snoop: no
unfenced_needs_alignment: no
cursor_needs_physical: no
hws_needs_physical: no
overlay_needs_physical: no
supports_tv: no

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