
11th Gen Intel Core i7-1185GRE testing on Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Build 17763 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

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2020-08-28 13:01
August 28 2020
  12 Minutes
2020-08-28 16:58
August 28 2020
  20 Minutes
2020-08-31 07:05
August 31 2020
  20 Minutes
2020-08-31 07:41
August 31 2020
  51 Minutes
2020-09-16 20:16
September 16 2020
  43 Minutes
2020-09-16 23:57
September 16 2020
  37 Minutes
2020-09-17 03:05
September 17 2020
  43 Minutes
Invert Behavior (Only Show Selected Data)
  32 Minutes

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apptimerlog OpenBenchmarking.orgPhoronix Test Suite11th Gen Intel Core i7-1185GRE @ 2.80GHz (2 Cores)4193MB50GB Oracle VirtIO Disk + 30GB Oracle VirtIO DiskIntel UHD ReleaseInternal 1GBOracle VirtIOMicrosoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Build 1776310.0 (x86_64) DriverFile-SystemScreen ResolutionApptimerlog BenchmarksSystem Logs- __user pointer sanitization: Disabled + IBPB: Always + IBRS: Enabled + STIBP: Enabled

apptimerlog apptimer: Slackapptimer: VLC Media Playerapptimer: Shotcut Video Editorapptimer: Atom Editorapptimer: Pencil2D Animation Softwareapptimer: Windows Calculatorapptimer: Visual Studio Codeapptimer: Dia Digram Editorapptimer: Mozilla Firefoxapptimer: Google Chromeapptimer: File Explorerapptimer: Blender 2.79apptimer: LibreOfficeapptimer: Qt Creatorapptimer: Notepad++apptimer: FileZillaapptimer: Inkscapeapptimer: 7-Zip2020-08-28 13:012020-08-28 16:582020-08-31 07:052020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:0510.96151250.054131388.71936000.047272587.98002000.038952087.81964000.14158201.00796000.58462600.36414200.07240200.99408720.01596000.17925400.14699400.04485200.01538170.41701201.09949800.13845250.08648000.97636800.052677588.99252000.15188601.01399000.59165000.40516000.07355001.05537870.01612530.19128500.14150000.04383000.01553870.73349001.13366000.12948130.10515000.99439200.081442587.85004000.15211001.05243000.59889000.41160000.07269601.00870000.01554580.18425600.14


OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Slack2020-08-28 13:012020-08-28 16:582020-08-31 07:052020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:0520406080100SE +/- 0.95, N = 20SE +/- 0.51, N = 5SE +/- 0.18, N = 5SE +/- 0.14, N = 5SE +/- 0.33, N = 5SE +/- 0.08, N = 5SE +/- 0.38, N = 510.9688.7287.9887.8288.9987.8588.19

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: VLC Media Player2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.03440.06880.10320.13760.172SE +/- 0.0011506, N = 25SE +/- 0.0015978, N = 25SE +/- 0.0017215, N = 5SE +/- 0.0010517, N = 250.14158200.15188600.15211000.1527220

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Shotcut Video Editor2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.23680.47360.71040.94721.184SE +/- 0.0128802, N = 5SE +/- 0.0056111, N = 5SE +/- 0.0081831, N = 5SE +/- 0.0032194, N = 51.00796001.01399001.05243001.0427100

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Atom Editor2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.13480.26960.40440.53920.674SE +/- 0.0055811, N = 25SE +/- 0.0061604, N = 7SE +/- 0.0030318, N = 5SE +/- 0.0058891, N = 50.58462600.59165000.59889000.5863900

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Pencil2D Animation Software2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.09260.18520.27780.37040.463SE +/- 0.0049356, N = 25SE +/- 0.0041054, N = 5SE +/- 0.0033258, N = 13SE +/- 0.0035933, N = 50.36414200.40516000.41160000.4053400

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Windows Calculator2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.01660.03320.04980.06640.083SE +/- 0.0014743, N = 25SE +/- 0.0007156, N = 25SE +/- 0.0007271, N = 25SE +/- 0.0014039, N = 250.07240200.07355000.07269600.0738640

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Visual Studio Code2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.23750.4750.71250.951.1875SE +/- 0.0097600, N = 5SE +/- 0.0213475, N = 25SE +/- 0.0047065, N = 5SE +/- 0.0082054, N = 50.99408721.05537871.00870001.0079074

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Dia Digram Editor2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.00360.00720.01080.01440.018SE +/- 0.0001893, N = 20SE +/- 0.0002027, N = 25SE +/- 0.0001561, N = 8SE +/- 0.0001878, N = 250.01596000.01612530.01554580.0161013

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Mozilla Firefox2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.04320.08640.12960.17280.216SE +/- 0.0026149, N = 25SE +/- 0.0087729, N = 20SE +/- 0.0025658, N = 25SE +/- 0.0088033, N = 240.17925400.19128500.18425600.1918438

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Google Chrome2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.03310.06620.09930.13240.1655SE +/- 0.0034210, N = 25SE +/- 0.0034368, N = 25SE +/- 0.0032408, N = 25SE +/- 0.0037107, N = 250.14699400.14150000.14039000.1423960

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: File Explorer2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.01010.02020.03030.04040.0505SE +/- 0.0014629, N = 25SE +/- 0.0004244, N = 5SE +/- 0.0005224, N = 5SE +/- 0.0004329, N = 200.04485200.04383000.04452000.0442925

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Blender 2.792020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.00360.00720.01080.01440.018SE +/- 0.0004376, N = 20SE +/- 0.0002514, N = 25SE +/- 0.0001640, N = 5SE +/- 0.0002393, N = 250.01538170.01553870.01560000.0158040

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: LibreOffice2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.1650.330.4950.660.825SE +/- 0.0212334, N = 25SE +/- 0.0087543, N = 5SE +/- 0.0031815, N = 5SE +/- 0.0056122, N = 50.41701200.73349000.72818000.7225400

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Qt Creator2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.27670.55340.83011.10681.3835SE +/- 0.0087982, N = 25SE +/- 0.0045852, N = 5SE +/- 0.0103369, N = 5SE +/- 0.0363216, N = 231.09949801.13366001.19363001.2297870

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Notepad++2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.03120.06240.09360.12480.156SE +/- 0.0103706, N = 20SE +/- 0.0013463, N = 8SE +/- 0.0036132, N = 20SE +/- 0.0014884, N = 50.13845250.12948130.13499000.1295600

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: FileZilla2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.02370.04740.07110.09480.1185SE +/- 0.0025292, N = 25SE +/- 0.0013343, N = 5SE +/- 0.0023243, N = 25SE +/- 0.0023185, N = 250.08648000.10515000.09168200.0958400

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: Inkscape2020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.26420.52840.79261.05681.321SE +/- 0.0351893, N = 25SE +/- 0.0193514, N = 25SE +/- 0.0053070, N = 5SE +/- 0.0068168, N = 50.97636800.99439201.07956001.1740000

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterAppTimerTime To Launch: 7-Zip2020-08-28 13:012020-08-28 16:582020-08-31 07:052020-08-31 07:412020-09-16 20:162020-09-16 23:572020-09-17 03:050.01830.03660.05490.07320.0915SE +/- 0.0016383, N = 24SE +/- 0.0003887, N = 20SE +/- 0.0000114, N = 25SE +/- 0.0013035, N = 20SE +/- 0.0064351, N = 20SE +/- 0.0005436, N = 25SE +/- 0.0004239, N = 250.05413130.04727250.03895200.05267750.08144250.05479400.0563200