Linaro 12.08 - ODROID-X vs. PandaBoard ES ARMv7 rev 10 testing with a OMAP4 Panda board and Texas Instruments OMAP on Linaro 12.08 via the Phoronix Test Suite. Benchmarking against the ODROID-X for a future article on by Michael Larabel.
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Linaro 12.08 - ODROID-X vs. PandaBoard ES Processor Motherboard Memory Disk Graphics Monitor OS Kernel Desktop Display Server OpenGL Compiler File-System Screen Resolution OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X ARMv7 rev 10 @ 1.20GHz (2 Cores) OMAP4 Panda board 1024MB 16GB SD16G Texas Instruments OMAP DELL P2210H Linaro 12.08 3.4.0-2-linaro-lt-omap (armv7l) Unity 2D 5.14.0 X Server 1.11.3 2.1 Mesa 8.0.2 GCC 4.6 ext4 1920x1080 ARMv7 rev 0 @ 1.40GHz (4 Cores) ODROID-X 3.6.0-rc2 (armv7l) 1360x768 Compiler Details - --build=arm-linux-gnueabihf --disable-sjlj-exceptions --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-multilib --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --target=arm-linux-gnueabihf --with-arch=armv7-a --with-float=hard --with-fpu=vfpv3-d16 --with-mode=thumb -v Processor Details - Scaling Governor: ondemand
Linaro 12.08 - ODROID-X vs. PandaBoard ES compress-7zip: Compress Speed Test c-ray: Total Time cachebench: Read cachebench: Write cachebench: Read / Modify / Write clomp: Static OMP Speedup crafty: Elapsed Time encode-flac: WAV To FLAC graphics-magick: Blur graphics-magick: Sharpen graphics-magick: Resizing graphics-magick: HWB Color Space graphics-magick: Local Adaptive Thresholding himeno: Poisson Pressure Solver encode-mp3: WAV To MP3 minion: Bibd minion: Graceful minion: Solitaire minion: Quasigroup encode-ape: WAV To APE n-queens: Elapsed Time npb: BT.A npb: EP.B npb: EP.C npb: LU.A npb: MG.B npb: SP.A nero2d: Total Time openssl: RSA 4096-bit Performance scimark2: Monte Carlo scimark2: Fast Fourier Transform scimark2: Sparse Matrix Multiply scimark2: Dense LU Matrix Factorization scimark2: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation smallpt: Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples stream: Copy stream: Scale stream: Triad stream: Add sudokut: Total Time hmmer: Pfam Database Search mafft: Multiple Sequence Alignment tscp: AI Chess Performance vpxenc: vpxenc x264: H.264 Video Encoding OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 936 1048.55 1681.68 1637.87 2460.73 2.02 0.22 46.60 14 9 20 28 5 149.78 107.23 1385.84 486.80 1215.40 1161.82 107.61 827.57 231.62 10.27 10.40 255.91 237.28 137.74 3649.79 4.60 76.48 17.47 72.83 72.68 161.19 2485 1149.26 1087.28 1098.23 1101.33 180.84 229.56 95.57 74993 1.01 4.51 442.44 2026.68 2899.61 2971.04 4.62 0.09 38.58 22 17 29 41 10 183.28 89.83 89.33 699.56 289.19 24.16 23.98 308.52 268.89 161.67 5.40 89.78 22.82 103.86 145.72 246.85 1054 1630.03 1641.40 1300.10 1298.37 143.67 111.08 88039 1.08 9.81
7-Zip Compression Compress Speed Test MIPS, More Is Better 7-Zip Compression 9.20.1 Compress Speed Test OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 2.19, N = 3 936 1. (CXX) g++ options: -pipe -lpthread
C-Ray Total Time Seconds, Fewer Is Better C-Ray 1.1 Total Time OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 7.54, N = 3 SE +/- 0.14, N = 3 1048.55 442.44 1. (CC) gcc options: -lm -lpthread -O3
CacheBench Test: Read MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Read OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 27.71, N = 3 SE +/- 3.71, N = 3 1681.68 2026.68 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
CacheBench Test: Write MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Write OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 SE +/- 26.32, N = 3 SE +/- 5.52, N = 3 1637.87 2899.61 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
CacheBench Test: Read / Modify / Write MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Read / Modify / Write OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 SE +/- 43.09, N = 3 SE +/- 2.67, N = 3 2460.73 2971.04 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
CLOMP Static OMP Speedup Speedup, More Is Better CLOMP 3.3 Static OMP Speedup OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 1.0395 2.079 3.1185 4.158 5.1975 SE +/- 0.01, N = 5 SE +/- 0.06, N = 5 2.02 4.62 1. (CC) gcc options: --openmp -O3 -lm
Crafty Elapsed Time Seconds, Fewer Is Better Crafty 23.4 Elapsed Time OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 0.0495 0.099 0.1485 0.198 0.2475 SE +/- 0.04, N = 6 SE +/- 0.00, N = 6 0.22 0.09 1. (CC) gcc options: -lstdc++ -lm
FLAC Audio Encoding WAV To FLAC Seconds, Fewer Is Better FLAC Audio Encoding 1.2.1 WAV To FLAC OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 11 22 33 44 55 SE +/- 0.16, N = 5 SE +/- 0.02, N = 5 46.60 38.58 -logg 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -lm
GraphicsMagick Operation: Blur Iterations Per Minute, More Is Better GraphicsMagick 1.3.12 Operation: Blur OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 5 10 15 20 25 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 14 22 -ljpeg -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 1. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread
GraphicsMagick Operation: Sharpen Iterations Per Minute, More Is Better GraphicsMagick 1.3.12 Operation: Sharpen OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 9 17 -ljpeg -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 1. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread
GraphicsMagick Operation: Resizing Iterations Per Minute, More Is Better GraphicsMagick 1.3.12 Operation: Resizing OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 7 14 21 28 35 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 20 29 -ljpeg -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 1. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread
GraphicsMagick Operation: HWB Color Space Iterations Per Minute, More Is Better GraphicsMagick 1.3.12 Operation: HWB Color Space OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 9 18 27 36 45 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 28 41 -ljpeg -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 1. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread
GraphicsMagick Operation: Local Adaptive Thresholding Iterations Per Minute, More Is Better GraphicsMagick 1.3.12 Operation: Local Adaptive Thresholding OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 3 6 9 12 15 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 5 10 -ljpeg -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 1. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread
Himeno Benchmark Poisson Pressure Solver MFLOPS, More Is Better Himeno Benchmark 3.0 Poisson Pressure Solver OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 0.67, N = 3 SE +/- 0.93, N = 3 149.78 183.28 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3
LAME MP3 Encoding WAV To MP3 Seconds, Fewer Is Better LAME MP3 Encoding 3.99.3 WAV To MP3 OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.56, N = 5 SE +/- 0.03, N = 5 107.23 89.83
Minion Benchmark: Bibd Seconds, Fewer Is Better Minion 0.12 Benchmark: Bibd OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 0.79, N = 3 1385.84 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2
Minion Benchmark: Graceful Seconds, Fewer Is Better Minion 0.12 Benchmark: Graceful OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 110 220 330 440 550 SE +/- 0.08, N = 3 486.80 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2
Minion Benchmark: Solitaire Seconds, Fewer Is Better Minion 0.12 Benchmark: Solitaire OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 9.08, N = 3 1215.40 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2
Minion Benchmark: Quasigroup Seconds, Fewer Is Better Minion 0.12 Benchmark: Quasigroup OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 0.35, N = 3 1161.82 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2
Monkey Audio Encoding WAV To APE Seconds, Fewer Is Better Monkey Audio Encoding 3.99u4b5s6 WAV To APE OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.93, N = 5 SE +/- 0.09, N = 5 107.61 89.33 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pedantic
N-Queens Elapsed Time Seconds, Fewer Is Better N-Queens 1.0 Elapsed Time OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 0.24, N = 2 SE +/- 0.35, N = 2 827.57 699.56 1. (CC) gcc options: -static -O2
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: BT.A Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: BT.A OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 60 120 180 240 300 SE +/- 0.27, N = 3 SE +/- 0.13, N = 3 231.62 289.19 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: EP.B Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: EP.B OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 6 12 18 24 30 SE +/- 0.10, N = 3 SE +/- 0.13, N = 3 10.27 24.16 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: EP.C Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: EP.C OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 6 12 18 24 30 SE +/- 0.09, N = 3 SE +/- 0.05, N = 3 10.40 23.98 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: LU.A Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: LU.A OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 70 140 210 280 350 SE +/- 0.96, N = 3 SE +/- 3.02, N = 3 255.91 308.52 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: MG.B Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: MG.B OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 60 120 180 240 300 SE +/- 8.46, N = 6 SE +/- 4.57, N = 4 237.28 268.89 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
NAS Parallel Benchmarks Test / Class: SP.A Total Mop/s, More Is Better NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 Test / Class: SP.A OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 0.22, N = 3 SE +/- 0.16, N = 3 137.74 161.67 1. (F9X) gfortran options: -lmpi -pthread -lmpi_f77 -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm
Open FMM Nero2D Total Time Seconds, Fewer Is Better Open FMM Nero2D 2.0.2 Total Time OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 3649.79 1. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lm
OpenSSL RSA 4096-bit Performance Signs Per Second, More Is Better OpenSSL 1.0.0e RSA 4096-bit Performance OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 1.215 2.43 3.645 4.86 6.075 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 4.60 5.40 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lssl -lcrypto -ldl
SciMark Computational Test: Monte Carlo Mflops, More Is Better SciMark 2.0 Computational Test: Monte Carlo OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.09, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 76.48 89.78
SciMark Computational Test: Fast Fourier Transform Mflops, More Is Better SciMark 2.0 Computational Test: Fast Fourier Transform OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 5 10 15 20 25 SE +/- 0.10, N = 4 SE +/- 0.10, N = 4 17.47 22.82
SciMark Computational Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply Mflops, More Is Better SciMark 2.0 Computational Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.13, N = 4 SE +/- 0.12, N = 4 72.83 103.86
SciMark Computational Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization Mflops, More Is Better SciMark 2.0 Computational Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 0.07, N = 4 SE +/- 0.21, N = 4 72.68 145.72
SciMark Computational Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation Mflops, More Is Better SciMark 2.0 Computational Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 50 100 150 200 250 SE +/- 0.32, N = 4 SE +/- 0.23, N = 4 161.19 246.85
Smallpt Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples Seconds, Fewer Is Better Smallpt 1.0 Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 SE +/- 0.58, N = 3 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 2485 1054 1. (CXX) g++ options: -fopenmp
Stream Type: Copy MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Copy OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 1.08, N = 10 SE +/- 1.33, N = 10 1149.26 1630.03 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -fopenmp
Stream Type: Scale MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Scale OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 0.88, N = 10 SE +/- 1.87, N = 10 1087.28 1641.40 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -fopenmp
Stream Type: Triad MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Triad OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 1.28, N = 10 SE +/- 0.88, N = 10 1098.23 1300.10 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -fopenmp
Stream Type: Add MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Add OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 2.20, N = 10 SE +/- 1.54, N = 10 1101.33 1298.37 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -fopenmp
Sudokut Total Time Seconds, Fewer Is Better Sudokut 0.4 Total Time OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 1.22, N = 3 SE +/- 0.13, N = 3 180.84 143.67
Timed HMMer Search Pfam Database Search Seconds, Fewer Is Better Timed HMMer Search 2.3.2 Pfam Database Search OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 50 100 150 200 250 SE +/- 1.86, N = 3 SE +/- 0.20, N = 3 229.56 111.08 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread -lhmmer -lsquid -lm
Timed MAFFT Alignment Multiple Sequence Alignment Seconds, Fewer Is Better Timed MAFFT Alignment 6.864 Multiple Sequence Alignment OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.38, N = 3 95.57 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lm -lpthread
TSCP AI Chess Performance Nodes Per Second, More Is Better TSCP 1.81 AI Chess Performance OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K SE +/- 21.61, N = 5 SE +/- 10.11, N = 5 74993 88039
VP8 libvpx Encoding vpxenc Frames Per Second, More Is Better VP8 libvpx Encoding 0.9.7-p1 vpxenc OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 0.243 0.486 0.729 0.972 1.215 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 1.01 1.08 1. (CC) gcc options: -lvpx -lm -lpthread
x264 H.264 Video Encoding Frames Per Second, More Is Better x264 2011-12-06 H.264 Video Encoding OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES Exynos 4412 ODROID-X 3 6 9 12 15 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.08, N = 3 4.51 9.81
Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5