FinanceBench is a collection of financial program benchmarks with support for benchmarking on the GPU via OpenCL and CPU benchmarking with OpenMP. The FinanceBench test cases are focused on Black-Sholes-Merton Process with Analytic European Option engine, QMC (Sobol) Monte-Carlo method (Equity Option Example), Bonds Fixed-rate bond with flat forward curve, and Repo Securities repurchase agreement. FinanceBench was originally written by the Cavazos Lab at University of Delaware. metrics for this test profile configuration based on 317 public results since 20 January 2021 with the latest data as of 27 December 2024.
Below is an overview of the generalized performance for components where there is sufficient statistically significant data based upon user-uploaded results. It is important to keep in mind particularly in the Linux/open-source space there can be vastly different OS configurations, with this overview intended to offer just general guidance as to the performance expectations.