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Open Porous Media Git 1.3.38
- 30 August 2019 -
Build update.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v9.0.0m2--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <Downloads> <Package> <URL>http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/file/34618/scotch_6.0.4.tar.gz, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/scotch/scotch_6.0.4.tar.gz/d58b825eb95e1db77efe8c6ff42d329f/scotch_6.0.4.tar.gz</URL> <MD5>d58b825eb95e1db77efe8c6ff42d329f</MD5> <SHA256>f53f4d71a8345ba15e2dd4e102a35fd83915abf50ea73e1bf6efe1bc2b4220c7</SHA256> <FileName>scotch_6.0.4.tar.gz</FileName> <FileSize>4804966</FileSize> </Package> <Package> <URL>http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~kddevin/Zoltan_Distributions/zoltan_distrib_v3.8.tar.gz, http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/externalpackages/zoltan_distrib_v3.8.tar.gz</URL> <MD5>9d8fba8a990896881b85351d4327c4a9</MD5> <SHA256>5bdd46548fb9c73b225bbcf3d206c558c318cb292f0b19645e536315d14aafb7</SHA256> <FileName>zoltan_distrib_v3.8.tar.gz</FileName> <FileSize>5407789</FileSize> </Package> <Package> <FileName>omega-opm-2.tar.gz</FileName> <FileSize>440350494</FileSize> </Package> </Downloads> </PhoronixTestSuite>
#!/bin/bash WDIR=$PWD cd $WDIR # NUM_CPU_CORES is always exported by the Phoronix Test Suite, but keep this logic here just for external testing purposes if test -z $NUM_CPU_CORES then if test -n `which nproc` then NUM_CPU_CORES=`nproc` else NUM_CPU_CORES=1 fi fi # Download source from github FOOTNOTE_INFO="Build Time `date`" # Make Install folder mkdir $WDIR/Install # Download and build libecl from git ### libecl repo handling start repo="libecl" repo_env_var_check="REPO_LIBECL" if test -z ${!repo_env_var_check} then repo_url="https://github.com/equinor/libecl.git" echo "$repo_env_var_check is not set, using https://github.com/equinor/libecl.git" else echo "$repo_env_var_check is set to ${!repo_env_var_check}" repo_url=${!repo_env_var_check} fi # use the base64 of the Git URL as the basis for the directory to avoid collissions repo_dir=`base64 <<< "$repo_url"` echo "$repo directory is $repo_dir" if [ -d "$repo_dir" ]; then pushd "$repo_dir" git pull popd else git clone $repo_url "$repo_dir" fi # Determine if checking out Git master (default) or some other point based upon REPO_{$repo}_CHECKOUT environment variable git_checkout_env_var_check=${repo_env_var_check}_CHECKOUT if test -z ${!git_checkout_env_var_check} then repo_checkout="master" echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is not set, checking out $repo_checkout" pushd "$repo_dir" git checkout $repo_checkout popd elif [[ "${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] then repo_checkout=${!git_checkout_env_var_check} echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is a number, assuming it's a GitHub pull request - ${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" pushd "$repo_dir" git pull --no-edit origin pull/${!git_checkout_env_var_check}/head popd else repo_checkout=${!git_checkout_env_var_check} echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is set, checking out ${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" pushd "$repo_dir" git checkout $repo_checkout popd fi # symlinks for the default directory to the BASE64'd directories intended for this round of testing unlink $repo ln -s "$repo_dir" $repo ### libecl repo handling end mkdir libecl/build pushd libecl/build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make -j $NUM_CPU_CORES popd #Download and build opm simulators with MPI support from git for repo in opm-common opm-grid opm-material opm-models opm-simulators do # Determine if to clone from main URL or different repo, based upon REPO_{$repo} environment variable echo "### " echo "### $repo" echo "### " repo_env_var_check=REPO_`echo "$repo" | awk '{print toupper($0)}' | sed 's/-/_/g'` if test -z ${!repo_env_var_check} then repo_url="https://github.com/OPM/$repo.git" echo "$repo_env_var_check is not set, using $repo_url" else echo "$repo_env_var_check is set to ${!repo_env_var_check}" repo_url=${!repo_env_var_check} fi # use the base64 of the Git URL as the basis for the directory to avoid collissions repo_dir=`base64 <<< "$repo_url"` echo "$repo directory is $repo_dir" if [ -d "$repo_dir" ]; then pushd "$repo_dir" git pull popd else git clone $repo_url "$repo_dir" fi # Determine if checking out Git master (default) or some other point based upon REPO_{$repo}_CHECKOUT environment variable git_checkout_env_var_check=${repo_env_var_check}_CHECKOUT if test -z ${!git_checkout_env_var_check} then repo_checkout="master" echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is not set, checking out $repo_checkout" pushd "$repo_dir" git checkout $repo_checkout popd elif [[ "${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] then repo_checkout=${!git_checkout_env_var_check} echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is a number, assuming it's a GitHub pull request - ${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" pushd "$repo_dir" git pull --no-edit origin pull/${!git_checkout_env_var_check}/head popd else repo_checkout=${!git_checkout_env_var_check} echo "$git_checkout_env_var_check is set, checking out ${!git_checkout_env_var_check}" pushd "$repo_dir" git checkout $repo_checkout popd fi # symlinks for the default directory to the BASE64'd directories intended for this round of testing unlink $repo ln -s "$repo_dir" $repo mkdir "$repo_dir"/build pushd "$repo_dir"/build make clean cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DUSE_OPENMP=ON \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$WDIR/Install \ -DUSE_MPI=ON -Decl_DIR=$WDIR/libecl/build -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF .. make -j $NUM_CPU_CORES ecode=$? echo $? > ~/install-exit-status test $? -eq 0 || exit 1 popd done echo $FOOTNOTE_INFO > ~/install-footnote # SETUP OMEGA IF PRESENT if test -f $HOME/omega-opm-2.tar.gz then git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/OPM/opm-data.git pushd opm-data tar -xf ~/omega-opm-2.tar.gz popd fi ##################################################### # Run benchmark ##################################################### echo "<?php \$log_file = file_get_contents(getenv('LOG_FILE')); function get_value_from_line(\$log_file, \$s) { \$s .= ': '; \$log_file .= PHP_EOL; if((\$x = strpos(\$log_file, \$s)) !== false) { \$log_file = substr(\$log_file, (\$x + strlen(\$s))); \$log_file = substr(\$log_file, 0, strpos(\$log_file, PHP_EOL)); if(str_replace(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, '%', ' ', '.', '(', ')', 'Failed:', ';'), '', \$log_file) == null) { \$log_file = str_replace('Failed:' , 'F:', \$log_file); return trim(\$log_file); } } } if((\$x = strpos(\$log_file, 'End of simulation')) !== false) { \$log_file = substr(\$log_file, \$x); foreach(array('Assembly time (seconds)', 'Linear solve time (seconds)', 'Solver time (seconds)', 'Update time (seconds)', 'Output write time (seconds)', 'Overall Well Iterations', 'Overall Linearizations', 'Overall Newton Iterations', 'Overall Linear Iterations') as \$a) { \$val = get_value_from_line(\$log_file, \$a); if(\$val == null) { continue; } if((\$x = strpos(\$a, ' (')) !== false) { \$a = substr(\$a, 0, \$x); } echo ucwords(str_replace('Overall ', '', \$a)) . ': ' . \$val . PHP_EOL; } }" > report-additional-data.php echo "#!/bin/sh NPROC=\$2 if [ ! \"X\$HOSTFILE\" = \"X\" ] && [ -f \$HOSTFILE ] then HOSTFILE=\"--hostfile \$HOSTFILE\" elif [ -f /etc/hostfile ] then HOSTFILE=\"--hostfile /etc/hostfile\" else HOSTFILE=\"\" fi MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG=\"--allow-run-as-root\" if [ \`whoami\` != \"root\" ] then MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG=\"\" fi if dmesg | grep -q NUMA; then MPI_MAP_BY=\"--map-by numa\" else MPI_MAP_BY=\"--map-by socket\" fi MPI_MAP_BY=\"--map-by socket\" if [ \$1 = \"upscale_relperm_benchmark\" ] then nice mpirun \$MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG -np \$NPROC \$MPI_MAP_BY --report-bindings \$HOSTFILE ./opm-upscaling/build/bin/upscale_relperm_benchmark --tolerance-mb=1e-5 --max-strict-iter=4 > \$LOG_FILE 2>&1 elif [ \$1 = \"flow_mpi_norne\" ] then cd opm-data/norne nice mpirun \$MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG -np \$NPROC \$MPI_MAP_BY --report-bindings \$HOSTFILE ../../opm-simulators/build/bin/flow NORNE_ATW2013.DATA --tolerance-mb=1e-5 --max-strict-iter=4 > \$LOG_FILE 2>&1 elif [ \$1 = \"flow_ebos_extra\" ] then cd opm-data/omega-opm nice mpirun \$MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG -np \$NPROC \$MPI_MAP_BY --report-bindings \$HOSTFILE ../../opm-simulators/build/bin/flow OMEGA-0.DATA --tolerance-mb=1e-5 --max-strict-iter=4 > \$LOG_FILE 2>&1 elif [ \$1 = \"flow_mpi_extra\" ] then cd opm-data/omega-opm nice mpirun \$MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG -np \$NPROC \$MPI_MAP_BY --report-bindings \$HOSTFILE ../../opm-simulators/build/bin/flow OMEGA-0.DATA --tolerance-mb=1e-5 --max-strict-iter=4 > \$LOG_FILE 2>&1 else nice mpirun \$MPIRUN_AS_ROOT_ARG -np \$NPROC \$MPI_MAP_BY --report-bindings \$HOSTFILE opm-simulators/build/bin/flow \$1 --tolerance-mb=1e-5 --max-strict-iter=4 > \$LOG_FILE 2>&1 fi cd ~ \$PHP_BIN report-additional-data.php > ~/pts-footnote # echo \$? > ~/test-exit-status" > opm-git chmod +x opm-git
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v9.0.0m2--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>Total wallclock time: #_RESULT_# sec (52 min 59.02 sec)</OutputTemplate> <MatchToTestArguments>upscale_relperm_benchmark</MatchToTestArguments> <LineHint>Total wallclock time</LineHint> </ResultsParser> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>Total time taken (seconds): #_RESULT_#</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>Total time</LineHint> </ResultsParser> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>Total time (seconds): #_RESULT_#</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>Total time</LineHint> </ResultsParser> </PhoronixTestSuite>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v9.0.0m2--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <TestInformation> <Title>Open Porous Media Git</Title> <Description>This is a test of Open Porous Media, a set of open-source tools concerning simulation of flow and transport of fluids in porous media. This test profile builds OPM and its dependencies from upstream Git.</Description> <ResultScale>Seconds</ResultScale> <Proportion>LIB</Proportion> <TimesToRun>3</TimesToRun> <PreInstallMessage>Some external dependencies needed for this test are not currently covered by the Phoronix Test Suite. You might need to manually install those packages; on an Ubuntu system it would be - sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git wget libblas-dev liblapack-dev libsuitesparse-dev libtrilinos-zoltan-dev mpi-default-dev mpi-default-bin libbz2-1.0 libbz2-dev libbz2-ocaml libbz2-ocaml-dev libdune-common-dev libdune-grid-dev libdune-geometry-dev libdune-istl-dev libsuperlu-dev libsuperlu5 libboost-all-dev.</PreInstallMessage> </TestInformation> <TestProfile> <Version>1.3.38</Version> <SupportedPlatforms>Linux</SupportedPlatforms> <SoftwareType>Utility</SoftwareType> <TestType>Processor</TestType> <License>Free</License> <Status>Verified</Status> <ExternalDependencies>build-utilities, fortran-compiler, cmake, boost-development, suitesparse, tinyxml, openmpi-development, blas-development, lapack-development</ExternalDependencies> <EnvironmentSize>2000</EnvironmentSize> <ProjectURL>http://www.opm-project.org/</ProjectURL> <InternalTags>SMP</InternalTags> <Maintainer>Michael Larabel</Maintainer> <RemoveInstallDirectoryOnReinstall>FALSE</RemoveInstallDirectoryOnReinstall> </TestProfile> <TestSettings> <Option> <DisplayName>OPM Benchmark</DisplayName> <Identifier>opm-benchmark</Identifier> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>Upscale-Relperm</Name> <Value>upscale_relperm_benchmark</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>Flow MPI Norne</Name> <Value>flow_mpi_norne</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>Flow MPI Extra</Name> <Value>flow_mpi_extra</Value> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> <Option> <DisplayName>Threads</DisplayName> <Identifier>threads</Identifier> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>1</Name> <Value>1</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>2</Name> <Value>2</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>4</Name> <Value>4</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>8</Name> <Value>8</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>16</Name> <Value>16</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>32</Name> <Value>32</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>64</Name> <Value>64</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>128</Name> <Value>128</Value> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> </TestSettings> </PhoronixTestSuite>