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The Talos Principle 1.2.0
- 15 December 2016 -
Always use the Talos Principle x64 binaries
#!/bin/sh HOME=$DEBUG_REAL_HOME steam steam://install/257510 cd $DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Content/Talos/Config mv AutoDetect.lua AutoDetect.lua.original echo "return;" > AutoDetect.lua cd ~ echo "RunAsync(function() -- wait until start screen is shown Wait(CustomEvent(\"StartScreen_Shown\")); -- handle initial interactions gamHandleInitialInteractions(); -- use medium speed by default prj_psGameOptionPlayerSpeed = 1; -- make sure developer cheats are enabled cht_bEnableCheats = 2; -- enable the bot cht_bAutoTestBot = 1; -- optional: make bot skip terminals and QR codes bot_bSkipTerminalsAndMessages = 1; -- start a new game local episode = \"Content/Talos/Levels/Demo.nfo\" bmk_bAutoQuit = 1; bmkStartBenchmarking(3, 30); prjStartNewTalosGame(episode); Wait(Delay(36)) bmkResults(); Quit(); -- wait until game ends BreakableRunHandled( WaitForever, -- if fame ended On(CustomEvent(\"GameEnded\")), function() print(\"Finished auto test bot run\"); BreakRunHandled(); end, -- if test bot failed On(CustomEvent(\"AutoTestBot_Failed\")), function() BreakRunHandled(); end ) -- quit the game after finished running the auto test bot quit(); end);" > $HOME/talos-run-test.lua echo "#!/bin/bash #!/bin/sh export HOME=\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME export SteamStreaming=\"\" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/panorama:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/lib::/usr/lib32:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_32:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/ubuntu12_64:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Bin/x64:\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Bin/x64\" export STEAM_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE=\"\$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam.cfg\" export Steam3Master=\"\" export SteamStreamingMaximumResolution=\"\" export SteamStreamingAllowGameVsync=\"\" export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=\"0\" export SteamAppId=\"257510\" export SteamTenfoot=\"0\" rm -f \$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Temp/run.txt cat <<EOF > \$HOME/.steam/steam/userdata/*/257510/local/Talos.ini adq_fCorpseDebrisFpsTreshold = 25; adq_fParticlesFpsTreshold = 25; adq_fRagdollFpsTreshold = 25; bmk_bBenchmarkDemos = 0; bmk_bOnScreenReport = 1; bot_bAllowDeath = 0; bot_bAllowSprinting = 1; bot_bGodMode = 0; bot_bIgnoreEnemies = 0; bot_bIgnoreSecrets = 0; bot_bInfiniteAmmo = 0; bot_bShowName = 1; bot_bSkipTerminalsAndMessages = 0; bot_bTouchScreenAiming = 0; bot_fRotAngleAdd = 3; bot_fRotAngleMulti = 1.5; bot_fRotAngleMultiAdd = 0.055; bot_fThreatAngleAdd = 1.1; bot_fThreatAngleMulti = 1; bot_fThreatDistanceMulti = 0.5; bot_iLogActivity = 0; bot_iRecordPlayerActions = 0; bot_iStopBotOnErrors = 0; ccn_fLineFadeTime = 2; ccn_fLineLifeTime = 10; ccn_fTextStretch = 0.7; ccn_iLastLines = 8; ccn_iMaxChatConsoleMessages = 50; ccn_vBottomLeft.x = 10; ccn_vBottomLeft.y = 350; cht_bEnableCheats = 0; cht_bUnlockMentalMode = 0; cld_iMaxThreads = 0; cli_iMaxBPS = 6000; cli_iMaxOutBPS = 6000; cmp_bLowQuality = 0; cmp_iBaseMip = 0; cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096; cmt_bHighlightMine = 1; cmt_bShowResolved = 0; cmt_bUseSSL = 1; cmt_iStatusFilter = 0; con_fHeightRatio = 0.333; con_fLastLinesFadeTime = 2; con_fLastLinesStayTime = 5; con_iLastLines = 0; crm_bAllowRendering = 1; crm_bCastShadows = 0; crm_bDepthPrepass = 1; crm_bOcclusionCulling = 1; crm_bRenderFarCrumbs = 1; crm_fDensityBias = 1.02; crm_fDepthPrepassHeightTreshold = 2; crm_fDistanceBias = 1.02; crm_fMaxCachingTime = 1; crm_iMaxAllowedLayers = 4; ctd_fTypingMultiplier = 1; dbg_bShowFreeMemory = 0; dcl_bAutoRemoveCounterLimitedDecals = 1; dcl_bAutoRemoveGeometryLimitedDecals = 1; dcl_bAutoRemoveTimeLimitedDecals = 1; dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 2048; dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 4096; dcl_iDynamicDecalAddingPerFrameLimitMilliseconds = 5; dcl_iDynamicUpdateLevel = 0; edt_bKeepTextureContent = 0; efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 1; efx_bAutoExposure = 1; efx_bChannelOffset = 1; efx_bDepthOfField = 1; efx_bDistanceCue = 1; efx_bExpandOcclusionEdges = 0; efx_bFastBloomBlur = 0; efx_bFastBlur = 1; efx_bFixOcclusionEdges = 1; efx_bGaussianBlur = 1; efx_bLightStreaks = 1; efx_bMotionBlur = 1; efx_bOptimizeDoF = 1; efx_bRealsRGB = 1; efx_bSharpStreaks = 1; efx_fBlurPrecision = 0.0001; efx_fDesiredLuminance = 0.18000002; efx_fFixedEV = 0; efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 0.9; efx_fOcclusionDepthOffset = 15; efx_fOcclusionDithering = 1; efx_fOcclusionFallOff = 0.5; efx_fOcclusionRadius = 0.5; efx_fOcclusionRadiusMaxStretch = 15; efx_fOcclusionRadiusMaxStretchDistance = 1000; efx_fOcclusionRadiusMinStretchDistance = 1; efx_fOcclusionRadiusWeaponStretch = 0.01; efx_fStreaksDithering = 0.2; efx_iBloom = 4; efx_iDownsampleQuality = 2; efx_iLensFlareQuality = 3; efx_iMaxRippleSources = 15; efx_iOcclusionBlur = 1; efx_iOcclusionQuality = 1; efx_iReadLumBuffers = 1; efx_iStreaksQuality = 2; fnt_bFontKerning = 1; fnt_bFontMips = 1; fnt_bGlyphCachingPass = 1; fnt_bTrilinearFontFiltering = 1; fnt_ctGlyphOutlinePoolSize = 100; fnt_fOutlineStrength = 2; fnt_iOutlineQuality = 2; fnt_pixGlyphMapRegionSize = 512; fnt_pixGlyphMapSize = 2048; fnt_pixGlyphMapUploadSize = 256; fnt_pixGlyphMaxSize = 100; fxd_bAllowFillRateControl = 1; fxd_bAutoAdaptiveQuality = 1; fxd_ctMaxActiveEffects = 50; fxd_ctMaxFadingEffects = 50; fxd_fDesiredFrameTime = 33; fxd_fEffectFadeOutTime = 0.5; gam_bAllowArmorItems = -1; gam_bAllowHealthItems = -1; gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = -1; gam_bAllowPowerupItems = -1; gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = -1; gam_bAmmoStays = -1; gam_bArmorStays = -1; gam_bAutoCycleMaps = -1; gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = -1; gam_bExtraMPEnemies = -1; gam_bFriendlyFire = -1; gam_bHealthStays = -1; gam_bInfiniteAmmo = -1; gam_bPowerupsStay = -1; gam_bRankedMatch = -1; gam_bRespawnCreditsPerPlayer = 0; gam_bRespawnInPlace = -1; gam_bWeaponsStay = -1; gam_ctFragsLimit = -1; gam_ctGoalsLimit = -1; gam_ctMaxPlayers = -1; gam_ctMinPlayers = -1; gam_ctPrivateSlots = -1; gam_ctRoundLimit = -1; gam_ctTimeLimit = -1; gam_gdDifficulty = 0; gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = -1; gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = -1; gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = -1; gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = -1; gam_iRespawnCredits = -1; gfx_bAllowDiscards = 1; gfx_bAllowMonitorSelection = 1; gfx_bAutoConfigureExtraWideScreen = 1; gfx_bAutoUploadGeometry = 1; gfx_bBatchLimitIndexed = 1; gfx_bDisableImmersiveMode = 0; gfx_bFastSRGB = 1; gfx_bFloatZBuffer = 1; gfx_bFullScreen = 1; gfx_bInvertZBuffer = 1; gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 0; gfx_bLocalPacketReplay = 0; gfx_bMaximized = 0; gfx_bPrecreateShaders = 1; gfx_bReportCanvasManagement = 0; gfx_bScreenShotAlpha = 0; gfx_bSimulatedFullScreen = 0; gfx_bVROverlayCurved = 1; gfx_fAspectRatio = 0; gfx_fBlueBias = 1; gfx_fBrightness = 0; gfx_fContrast = 1; gfx_fFreeOcclusionTime = 60; gfx_fGammaCorrection = 1; gfx_fGreenBias = 1; gfx_fNormalizeHDROutput = 0; gfx_fRedBias = 1; gfx_fSafeAreaPosX = 0.5; gfx_fSafeAreaPosY = 0.5; gfx_fSafeAreaSDX = 0.85; gfx_fSafeAreaSDY = 0.85; gfx_fSafeAreaX = 1; gfx_fSafeAreaY = 1; gfx_fSaturation = 0; gfx_fSplitDepthDivisor = 2048; gfx_fSplitDepthExponent = 4; gfx_fVRGammaCorrectionDX11 = 1.8; gfx_fVROverlayDistance = 6; gfx_fVROverlaySize = 10; gfx_iAllowPreClears = 1; gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2; gfx_iCommandBufferSize = 1024; gfx_iCommonVertexBuffers = 3; gfx_iCommonVertexBufferSize = 1536; gfx_iDebugPreClears = 1; gfx_iDelayReleaseDuration = 1; gfx_iDelayResourceRelease = 4; gfx_iFinish = 0; gfx_iFullscreenMonitor = 0; gfx_iFXAA = 3; gfx_iMaxCreatedShadersPerFrame = 1024; gfx_iMaxFPSActive = 10000; gfx_iMaxFPSInactive = 20; gfx_iMaxQueryIterations = 999999; gfx_iOutputLevels = 256; gfx_iRefreshRate = 0; gfx_iRelaxedOcclusionTest = 0; gfx_iScreenShotFormat = 3; gfx_iScreenShotJpgQuality = 90; gfx_iScreenShotPngCompression = 3; gfx_iTransparencyAntiAliasing = 1; gfx_iWaitVSyncs = 0; gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 2160; gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 3840; gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 2160; gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 3840; gfx_pixResHeight = 2160; gfx_pixResWidth = 3840; gfx_pixWinHeight = 2160; gfx_pixWinPosX = 0; gfx_pixWinPosXMaximized = 0; gfx_pixWinPosY = 0; gfx_pixWinPosYMaximized = 0; gfx_pixWinWidth = 3840; gst_iStatsUploadType = 0; hud_bAllowBatching = 1; hud_bAnimateRodSelection = 1; hud_bFixedCrosshair = 0; hud_bFullScreenClock = 1; hud_bShowAnalyze = 1; hud_bShowCheats = 1; hud_bShowClock = 0; hud_bShowCoords = 0; hud_bShowCrosshair = 1; hud_bShowGfxAPI = 0; hud_bShowHudInfo = 1; hud_bShowLevelName = 0; hud_bShowPause = 1; hud_bShowPing = 0; hud_bShowRenderingResolution = 0; hud_bShowShortPlayerList = 1; hud_bShowTerminalUI = 1; hud_bShowTime = 0; hud_fCustomHudScale = 1; hud_fNetricsaHUDSpeed = 10; hud_fShortPlayerListScale = 1; hud_fStereoDepth = 1; hud_fVotingInfoScale = 1; hud_iShowBandwidth = 0; inp_bDebugTouchEvents = 0; inp_bDisableGamepads = 0; inp_bDisableWinMMGamepads = 0; inp_bInvertTouchLook = 0; inp_bInvertTouchMove = 0; inp_bTouchGamepadControls = 0; inp_bTouchLookInertia = 1; inp_bTouchMoveInertia = 1; inp_bTouchSmoothing = 0; inp_fAutoMoveGoalThreshold = 1; inp_fDesiredHorizonPitch = -8; inp_fGamepadDetectionTime = 5; inp_fGuidedJumpTapRadius = 0.5; inp_fLookMinPitchRatio = 0.30000002; inp_fTouchGamepadDeadzone = 0.10000001; inp_fTouchLookIntertiaCutoff = 0.02; inp_fTouchLookSensitivity = 1.5; inp_fTouchLookVelocityDamping = 2; inp_fTouchMoveIntertiaCutoff = 0.2; inp_fTouchMoveSensitivityX = 2; inp_fTouchMoveSensitivityZ = 5; inp_fTouchMoveVelocityDamping = 5; lmp_bLowQuality = 0; lmp_iBaseMip = 0; mdl_bHardwareSkinning = 1; mdl_bMorphedShadows = 0; mdl_ctMaxCachedModels = 256; mem_iOptimizeCopy = 8; men_bAllowGlowing = 0; men_bDetectVideoChange = 0; men_bDontWaitForConfirmations = 0; men_bHideNetricsaExit = 0; men_bHideNetricsaInfo = 0; men_bHideNetricsaList = 0; men_bShowActiveProfile = 0; men_bShowIntroCutscene = 1; men_bSplitScreenInputDeviceSharing = 0; men_bUseMenuSimulation = 1; men_ctMaxHistoryEntries = 40; men_fFlashDelay = 5; men_fFlashPeriod = 3; men_fMusicVolumeLoadingMenu = 1; men_fMusicVolumeMainMenu = 0.2; men_fMusicVolumeStartMenu = 1; men_fPulseFrequency = 1.3333; men_fScaleOverride = 0; men_fTextScrollSpeed = 30; men_fWidgetGlowStrength = 0.12; men_iMaxAllowedFPS = 66; men_iMaxGlows = 4; men_pixWidgetGlowRadius = 6; mgr_fTextureSizeMultiplier = 1; mgr_slMaxBatchTextureSize = 1024; mgr_slMaxModelTextureSize = 1024; nav_bRenderOneWayVerticalLinks = 1; nav_bRenderVerticalLinks = 1; nav_fRenderAlpha = 1; net_bClientsMayPause = 0; net_fConnectionTimeout = 15; net_fProblemsTimeout = 15; net_fRenderableRelevantDistanceMultiplier = 1.3; nex_iTerminalDisplayQuality = 1; nmp_bLowQuality = 0; nmp_iBaseMip = 0; nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096; ogl_bCompressCachedShaders = 1; ogl_bConservativeOcclusion = 1; ogl_bDisableShaderCaching = 0; ogl_bEnableVDPAU = 0; ogl_bPreferDiscard = 0; ogl_bStreamDynamicBuffers = 0; ogl_bUseSamplerObjects = 0; ogl_bUseSeparateShaders = 0; ogl_bUseTextureStorage = 1; ogl_bVSyncTearing = 0; ogl_bWaitOcclusionResult = 0; ogl_iFlushDynamicBuffers = 0; ogl_iUseDynamicBuffers = 1; pfx_lrmLightningRenderingMode = 0; phy_fPolygonCacheExpand = 0.5; phy_fPolygonCacheLimit = 5; phy_fPolygonCacheTime = 0.5; phy_iMaxSweepingThreads = 0; phy_iMaxThreads = 0; plr_bAllowGuidedJump = 1; plr_bAllowPlayerAutoJump = 1; plr_bDeathScreenMuffling = 0; plr_fFOVOverride = -1; prf_bShowFPS = 0; prf_bShowFPSGraph = 0; prf_bSimulationFPSGraph = 0; prf_fFPSGraphMax = -1; prf_fFPSGraphMin = -1; prf_iShowFPSVariation = 1; prf_tmGfxStallsInterval = 1; prf_tmGraphInterval = 0; prf_tmRefreshInterval = 1; prj_bAimDOF = 1; prj_bAllowGibs = 1; prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1; prj_bDisableRagdollDeaths = 0; prj_bEnableClientSideEffects = 1; prj_bEnableDynamicDecals = 1; prj_bForceGamepadActiveDevice = 0; prj_bGenerateChapterAutoSaveThumbnail = 0; prj_bHardwareMouseCursor = 1; prj_bIdleAutoRestart = 0; prj_bIdleAutoShutdownInstead = 0; prj_bKioskMode = 0; prj_bKioskModeSkipStartScreen = 0; prj_bStartupAutoDetection = 1; prj_bSymbolicPingDisplay = 0; prj_ctFeetAdjustmentIKIterations = 4; prj_ctMaxCorpses = 20; prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 8; prj_ctMaxDebris = 50; prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 20; prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurface = 20; prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurfaceCoop = 10; prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 4; prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 2; prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 50; prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 20; prj_ctMaxQuickMatchTries = 5; prj_ctTimeBanMinutes = 60; prj_fAllItemsDistanceFar = 300; prj_fAllItemsDistanceNear = 30; prj_fCutSceneDontSkipPeriod = 1; prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.01; prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.015; prj_fIdleAutoRestartTimer = 120; prj_fMaxFeetAdjustmentDistance = 100; prj_fMaxWaitForPeacefulAutoSaveTimeOut = 30; prj_fMinAutoSaveDeltaTime = 60; prj_fMinFlameFastLightDistance = 1; prj_fVoteDuration = 60; prj_fVoteEndDelay = 3; prj_fVotePercentageToPass = 0.5; prj_iBloodAndGoreSkin = 0; prj_iBotViewType = 0; prj_iCPUSpeed = 4; prj_iFlashlightType = 2; prj_iGPUMemory = 4; prj_iGPUSpeed = 3; prj_iWorldCacheMode = 3; prj_smSubtitleMode_copy = 1; prt_bSmoothTextureAnimation = 1; prt_fParticleBias = 1.1; rcon_slMaxBufferSize = 131072; rcts_bDebugNegotiations = 0; rcts_bLocalMode = 0; ren_bAllowMainThreadRecording = 1; ren_bAmbientShadows = 1; ren_bAntiAliasedMirrors = 0; ren_bDynamicFastLights = 1; ren_bEffectsOcclusion = 1; ren_bFixFastLightsEdges = 1; ren_bForceOcclusionHullsTest = 0; ren_bGeometryInstancing = 1; ren_bHeatShimmer = 1; ren_bInstancedOcclusion = 1; ren_bLightsOcclusion = 1; ren_bMaterialSort = 1; ren_bMirrorFastLights = 1; ren_bMirrorReflections = 1; ren_bModelGrouping = 1; ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1; ren_bOcclusionCulling = 1; ren_bPrebakedDynamicLights = 0; ren_bShowComments = 0; ren_bUseDissolvingTexture = 1; ren_fCullDistanceBias = 0.5; ren_fFarClipPlaneDistance = 10000; ren_fLODBias = 0.75; ren_fLODOffset = 0; ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 0; ren_fMirrorBias = 2.5; ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.75; ren_fNearClipPlaneDistance = 0.10000001; ren_fOcclusionSizeTreshold = 0.5; ren_fRenderingPixelRatio = 1; ren_fRenderingSizeRatio = 1; ren_fWireDistanceCullingBias = 1; ren_iCutFrustumOcclusion = 0; ren_iMaxThreads = 3; ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2; ren_iRescalingFilter = 3; ren_iTransparencySorting = 1; ren_iWiresCastShadows = 2; res_bStreamingShowDebug = 0; res_fBigResourcesLimit = 2048; res_iUnloadResourcesAfterFrames = 0; ser_iMaxClientBPS = 20000; sfx_bAllowEAX = 1; sfx_bLowSampleRate = 0; sfx_bSoftwareMixer = 1; sfx_bUseCompressor = 1; sfx_bUseReverb = 1; sfx_ctSoundMixerOutputPackets = 3; sfx_fAttenuationByVoiceOver = 0.30000002; sfx_fCompressorAttackTime = 2; sfx_fCompressorHighRatio = 20; sfx_fCompressorHighThreshold = 0.7; sfx_fCompressorLookAheadTime = 5; sfx_fCompressorLowRatio = 2.5; sfx_fCompressorLowReleaseTime = 5000; sfx_fCompressorLowThreshold = 0.2; sfx_fCompressorReleaseTime = 500; sfx_fCompressorRMSLength = 0.5; sfx_fDopplerEffectBias = 1; sfx_fMasterVolume = 0.9; sfx_fMaxTotalVolume = 3; sfx_fMixingTimeFactor = 1; sfx_fSoundMixerReverbGain = 1; sfx_fSoundMixerThreadInterval = 0.02; sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35; sfx_iStreamingBufferSize = 88; sha_bAllowRefractions = 1; sha_bAllowZoomBlurring = 1; sha_bCreateAllVariations = 1; sha_bEdgeSmoothing = 1; sha_bFastVolumeticShader = 0; sha_bNoProgressBar = 0; sha_bShadowFiltering = 1; sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0; sha_bVertexShadows = 1; sha_fBumpsDistanceBias = 1.5; sha_fCascadeChoiceBias = 0.01; sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 40; sha_fParallaxDistanceBias = 1.5; sha_fPCFDarkness = 1; sha_fPCFDithering = 0.25; sha_fPCFSmoothness = 0.75; sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5; sha_fVSMDarkness = 4; sha_fVSMMinVariance = 1.E-005; sha_fVSMSmoothness = 0.5; sha_iAllowTreeSwaying = 2; sha_iMaxShockwaves = 15; sha_iParallaxMappingMethod = 2; sha_iParallaxMappingQuality = 1; sha_iShadowThickness = 1; sha_iZoomBlurMip = 0; sha_iZoomBlurSamples = 16; shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0; shb_bGeometryInstancing = 1; shb_bOcclusionCulling = 1; shb_bPCFSoftShadows = 1; shb_bVarianceShadowMaps = 1; shb_bVSMSoftShadows = 1; shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 3; shb_fNearShadowDistance = 10; shb_fOcclusionSizeTreshold = 15; shb_fPCFDepthScaleDistant = 0.0001; shb_fPCFDepthScaleOmni = 0.0020000002; shb_fPCFDepthScaleSpot = 0.0010000001; shb_iPCFOverSampling = 1; shb_iPCFShadowFormat = 0; shb_iPCFSlopeBias = 2; shb_iVSMOverSampling = 1; shb_iVSMShadowFormat = 0; shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3840; shb_pixShadowDensity = 96; sim_bAutoDecreaseQuality = 1; sim_bAutoPause = 1; sim_bBlockingWorldPreparing = 0; sim_bFinalizeOutEntitiesInEditor = 1; sim_bPrecacheStreamingResources = 1; sim_fWorldPrecachingStreamingLoadingDoneThreshold = 0.9; sim_iFixMicroStuttering = 2; snd_fDistanceAttenuationPower = 2; snd_fEffectsVolume = 0.8; snd_fMovieVolume = 0.7; snd_fMusicVolume = 0.60000004; snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7; snd_fVoiceoverVolume = 1; tex_bAllowDownload = 1; tex_bAutoUploading = 1; tex_bLowQuality = 0; tex_bNoProgressBar = 0; tex_bReloadDefragsVRAM = 1; tex_fLODBias = 0; tex_iAnisotropy = 8; tex_iBaseMip = 0; tex_iFiltering = 22; tex_iSquishCompressionQuality = 2; tex_pixMaxSize = 4096; thr_bBusyWaitingWorkers = 0; thr_iAffinityStrictness = 2; thr_iCoreOffset = 0; thr_iMaxWorkerThreads = 0; thr_iOverrideNumberOfCPUs = -1; thr_iOverrideSupportThreadCores = -1; thr_iOverrideWorkerCoresSharing = -1; thr_iOverrideWorkerThreadCores = -1; tim_bLogTimerOffsets = 0; vis_iScannerPolyFilter = -1; vlk_bAlternateBufferUpload = 0; vlk_bBatchQueryResets = 1; vlk_bBatchQueryResults = 1; vlk_bCompressCachedPipelines = 1; vlk_bDisablePipelineCaching = 0; vlk_bMultiThreadedDevice = 1; vlk_bSafeLayoutChanges = 0; vlk_bUseDedicatedAlloc = 1; vlk_bUseTransferQueue = 1; vlk_bVSyncTearing = 1; vlk_bWaitOcclusionResult = 0; vlk_iAllowValidation = 1; vlk_iBackBuffers = 2; vlk_iConstantsBufferSize = 16; vlk_iConstantsBufferUpdateMethod = 2; vlk_iDirectAllocThreshold = 1024; vlk_iDynamicBuffersUpdateMethod = 2; vlk_iOcclusionFramesDelay = 1; vlk_iRenderingDevice = 0; vo_bMicBoost = 1; vo_bUsingPushToTalk = 1; vo_bVoiceEnabled = 1; vo_fMicSensitivity = 0; vo_fVoiceReceiveVolume = 0.7; vo_fVoiceTransmitVolume = 1; vsl_fGlobalVibrationStrength = 1; EOF cd \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Bin/x64 ./Talos \$@ +exec $HOME/talos-run-test.lua cat \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Log/Talos.log > \$LOG_FILE rm -f \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Talos\ Principle/Log/Talos.log " > talos-principle chmod +x talos-principle
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v6.8.0--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>11:07:40 INF: Average: #_RESULT_# FPS (90.3 w/o extremes)</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>Average:</LineHint> </ResultsParser> </PhoronixTestSuite>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v6.8.0--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <TestInformation> <Title>The Talos Principle</Title> <Description>This is a benchmark of The Talos Principle. The test profile assumes you have a Steam account, have Steam installed for the system, and that The Talos Principle can be installed. This automates the process of executing the game and using a standardized time demo.</Description> <ResultScale>Frames Per Second</ResultScale> <Proportion>HIB</Proportion> <TimesToRun>3</TimesToRun> <PreInstallMessage>This test will attempt to install the necessary game using your Steam account. If the test appears hung you may need to manually exit the Steam client.</PreInstallMessage> </TestInformation> <TestProfile> <Version>1.2.0</Version> <SupportedPlatforms>Linux</SupportedPlatforms> <SoftwareType>Game</SoftwareType> <TestType>Graphics</TestType> <License>Free</License> <Status>Verified</Status> <SupportedArchitectures>x86_64</SupportedArchitectures> <EnvironmentSize>2</EnvironmentSize> <ProjectURL>http://store.steampowered.com/app/257510/</ProjectURL> <Maintainer>Michael Larabel</Maintainer> </TestProfile> <TestSettings> <Option> <DisplayName>Renderer</DisplayName> <Identifier>renderer</Identifier> <ArgumentPrefix></ArgumentPrefix> <ArgumentPostfix></ArgumentPostfix> <DefaultEntry>0</DefaultEntry> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>OpenGL</Name> <Value>+gfx_strAPI "OpenGL"</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>Vulkan</Name> <Value>+gfx_strAPI "VLK"</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> <Option> <DisplayName>Resolution</DisplayName> <Identifier>auto-resolution</Identifier> <ArgumentPrefix></ArgumentPrefix> <ArgumentPostfix></ArgumentPostfix> <DefaultEntry>0</DefaultEntry> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>$VIDEO_WIDTH x $VIDEO_HEIGHT</Name> <Value>+gfx_pixResWidth=$VIDEO_WIDTH +gfx_pixResHeight=$VIDEO_HEIGHT</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> </TestSettings> </PhoronixTestSuite>