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Civilization VI 1.0.0
- 09 February 2017 -
Initial commit
#!/bin/sh HOME=$DEBUG_REAL_HOME steam steam://install/289070 echo "#!/bin/bash . steam-env-vars.sh cd \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.local/share/aspyr-media/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ VI/ echo \";Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults Version 15 [Language] ;The previous language set by steam. SteamLanguage english ;The language to use for all text in-game. DisplayLanguage en_US ;The language to use for all audio in-game. AudioLanguage English(US) ;Set to 1 to enable subtitles. EnableSubtitles 0 ;Enable language fall-back. EnableFallback 1 [Video] ;Device ID of the GPU device to use (as provided by the OS). ; DeviceID 7040 ;Render width in pixels. RenderWidth \$2 ;Render height in pixels. RenderHeight \$3 ;0 : windowed, 1 : fullscreen, 2 : windowed with no title bar FullScreen 1 ;UI will be scaled by 1 plus this value, non-integers may cause small artifacts UIUpscale 0.000000 ;Set to 1 to allow the use of software renderers such as Microsoft's WARP AllowSWRenderer 0 ;Set to 1 play the intro video on startup. PlayIntroVideo 0 ;0 : never grab, 1 : only in full screen, 2 : always grab MouseGrab 0 [Performance] ;Number of engine job threads (including main thread). Use -1 to let game decide MaxJobThreads -1 ;Frame limiter. Tick app every N ms. 0 means tick continuously. TickIntervalInMS 0 ;Tick every N ms during game start. 0 means tick continuously. LoadGameTickIntervalInMS 16 ;Tick every N ms while the app is inactive. 0 means tick continuously. InactiveTickIntervalInMS 32 ;Should we throttle the game when its not the foreground app? ThrottleWhileInactive 0 [Debug] ;Enable FireTuner. EnableTuner 0 ;Enable Debug menu. EnableDebugMenu 0 ;Set to 0 to disable audio. EnableAudio 1 ;Enable MemoryTracker. EnableMemoryTracker 0 ;Enable Debug information in the plot info tooltips. EnableDebugPlotInfo 0 ;Enable Automatic Bug Collection. EnableBugCollection 1 ;Enable Log Collection with Bugs. EnableLogCollection 0 ;Enable Data Error Collection. EnableDataErrorCollection 0 ;Enable Local Build Bug Collection. EnableLocalBuildCollection 0 ;Enable ArtManager loading in the background. EnableBackgroundArtLoading 1 ;Enable assertions. EnableAsserts 1 ;Forces the game to load only that save file. PlayNowSave ;Log all game core events. EnableGameCoreEventLog 0 ;End game state. EndGameState ;Tutorial state. TutorialState [Misc] ;User has accepted the unknown graphics device pop up. AcceptedUnknownDevice 0 ;User has accepted the outdated driver pop up. AcceptedOutdatedDriver 0 ; TelemetryUploadNecessary 1 [UI] ;Is the touch screen support enabled? IsTouchScreenEnabled 0 \" > AppOptions.txt if [ \"\$1\" == \"LOW\" ] then echo \" ;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults Version 10 [Video] ;Overrides all other options to achieve desired performance profile. Must be set to -1 for changes in this file to be applied. PerformanceImpact 0 ;Overrides all other options to achieve desired memory profile. Must be set to -1 for changes in this file to be applied. MemoryImpact 0 ;MSAA sample count. 0 ==> 1. -1 ==> Max available MSAA 1 ;MSAA quality, enables EQAA or CSAA if supported MSAAQuality 0 ;1 = Wait for vertical sync. 0 = I don't mind tearing artifacts VSync 0 ;Resolution of overlay texture (NxN) OverlayResolution 2048 ;Resolution of shadow map (NxN) ShadowMapResolution 2048 ;Resolution of ambient occlusion depth map (NxN) AODepthResolution 1024 ;Resolution of ambient occlusion render texture (NxN) AORenderResolution 1024 ;Resolution of mask for FOW (NxN) TerrainHeightMaskResolution 1024 ;Refresh rate for fullscreen mode. Ignored for windowed mode RefreshRateInHz 59 ;Set to 0 to use full resolution textures. Non-zero to reduce them ReducedAssetTextures 1 [Terrain] ;1 = full-res, 2 = low-res. TerrainSynthesisDetailLevel 2 ;Valid settings are 0 to 4. Higher number = higher quality. TerrainQuality 0 ;Discard less important terrain materials. Saves memory. ReducedTerrainMaterials 1 ;Set to use low quality terrain shader (reduces texture filtering quality and specular lighting) LowQualityTerrainShader 1 [General] ;Number of passes when calculating screen-space reflection with 16 samples per pass, default is 4 (64 samples). 0 disables SSR. SSReflectPasses 0 ;Drop highest mip level for water LEAN maps UseLowResWater 1 ;Disable high quality water (no refraction or reflection). UseLowQualityWaterShader 1 ;Default time of day DefaultTimeOfDay 11.500000 ;Enable/disable ambient time of day cycling. AmbientTimeOfDay 0 ;Set which game views are enabled: 0 = Strategic only. 1 = 3D only. 2 = Both. AvailableViews 2 ;Indicates the level of detail for vfx. 0 = low. 1 = high VFXDetailLevel 0 ;How much stuff on the map? 0 = not a lot. 1 = a lot ClutterDetailLevel 0 ;Enable screen-space overlay effect. ScreenSpaceOverlay 0 [AO] ;Whether or not to turn on AO EnableAO 0 [Bloom] ;Whether or not to turn on Bloom EnableBloom 0 [Shadows] ;Whether or not to turn on Shadows EnableShadows 0 [DynamicLighting] ;Whether or not to use dynamic lighting EnableDynamicLighting 0 [Leaders] ;Overall leader rendering quality Quality 0 [Video] ;Submit draws via the DX11 immediate context DX11_ForceImmediate 1 [DX12] ;Throw away all compute dispatches. This is a debugging switch DiscardCompute 0 ;Force d3d debug layer. This is a debugging switch ForceDebugLayer 0 ;If supported, use Root Signature 1.1 (1), or don't (0), or platform default(-1) EnableRootSig_1_1 -1 ;Set DX12 compute queue usage on (1), off (0), or platform default(-1). EnableAsyncCompute -1 ;Enable DX12 split-screen optimizations for multi-GPU systems. On (1), Off(0), or platform default (-1) [Platform Default is OFF, but may change in the future.] EnableSplitScreenMultiGPU 0 [Debug] ;Set to 1 to drop all rendering except for UI. This is a debugging switch UIOnlyRendering 0 \" > GraphicsOptions.txt elif [ \"\$1\" == \"HIGH\" ] then echo \";Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults Version 10 [Video] ;Overrides all other options to achieve desired performance profile. Must be set to -1 for changes in this file to be applied. PerformanceImpact -1 ;Overrides all other options to achieve desired memory profile. Must be set to -1 for changes in this file to be applied. MemoryImpact -1 ;MSAA sample count. 0 ==> 1. -1 ==> Max available MSAA 4 ;MSAA quality, enables EQAA or CSAA if supported MSAAQuality 0 ;1 = Wait for vertical sync. 0 = I don't mind tearing artifacts VSync 0 ;Resolution of overlay texture (NxN) OverlayResolution 2048 ;Resolution of shadow map (NxN) ShadowMapResolution 2048 ;Resolution of ambient occlusion depth map (NxN) AODepthResolution 2048 ;Resolution of ambient occlusion render texture (NxN) AORenderResolution 2048 ;Resolution of mask for FOW (NxN) TerrainHeightMaskResolution 1024 ;Refresh rate for fullscreen mode. Ignored for windowed mode RefreshRateInHz 59 ;Set to 0 to use full resolution textures. Non-zero to reduce them ReducedAssetTextures 0 [Terrain] ;1 = full-res, 2 = low-res. TerrainSynthesisDetailLevel 1 ;Valid settings are 0 to 4. Higher number = higher quality. TerrainQuality 4 ;Discard less important terrain materials. Saves memory. ReducedTerrainMaterials 0 ;Set to use low quality terrain shader (reduces texture filtering quality and specular lighting) LowQualityTerrainShader 0 [General] ;Number of passes when calculating screen-space reflection with 16 samples per pass, default is 4 (64 samples). 0 disables SSR. SSReflectPasses 1 ;Drop highest mip level for water LEAN maps UseLowResWater 0 ;Disable high quality water (no refraction or reflection). UseLowQualityWaterShader 0 ;Default time of day DefaultTimeOfDay 11.500000 ;Enable/disable ambient time of day cycling. AmbientTimeOfDay 0 ;Set which game views are enabled: 0 = Strategic only. 1 = 3D only. 2 = Both. AvailableViews 2 ;Indicates the level of detail for vfx. 0 = low. 1 = high VFXDetailLevel 1 ;How much stuff on the map? 0 = not a lot. 1 = a lot ClutterDetailLevel 1 ;Enable screen-space overlay effect. ScreenSpaceOverlay 1 [AO] ;Whether or not to turn on AO EnableAO 1 [Bloom] ;Whether or not to turn on Bloom EnableBloom 1 [Shadows] ;Whether or not to turn on Shadows EnableShadows 1 [DynamicLighting] ;Whether or not to use dynamic lighting EnableDynamicLighting 1 [Leaders] ;Overall leader rendering quality Quality 3 [Video] ;Submit draws via the DX11 immediate context DX11_ForceImmediate 1 [DX12] ;Throw away all compute dispatches. This is a debugging switch DiscardCompute 0 ;Force d3d debug layer. This is a debugging switch ForceDebugLayer 0 ;If supported, use Root Signature 1.1 (1), or don't (0), or platform default(-1) EnableRootSig_1_1 -1 ;Set DX12 compute queue usage on (1), off (0), or platform default(-1). EnableAsyncCompute -1 ;Enable DX12 split-screen optimizations for multi-GPU systems. On (1), Off(0), or platform default (-1) [Platform Default is OFF, but may change in the future.] EnableSplitScreenMultiGPU 0 [Debug] ;Set to 1 to drop all rendering except for UI. This is a debugging switch UIOnlyRendering 0 \" > GraphicsOptions.txt else exit fi cd \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ VI/ rm -f \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.local/share/aspyr-media/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ VI/Logs/Benchmark-*.csv ./Civ6 -benchmark cd \$DEBUG_REAL_HOME/.local/share/aspyr-media/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ VI/Logs/ cat Benchmark-*.csv > \$LOG_FILE perl -lane '\$a+=\$_ for(@F);\$f+=scalar(@F);END{print \"Average FPS: \".1000/ (\$a/\$f)}' Benchmark-*.csv >> \$LOG_FILE 2>1" > civilization-vi chmod +x civilization-vi
#!/bin/bash STEAM_GAME_ID=289070 GAME_BINARY=Civ6 export HOME=$DEBUG_REAL_HOME steam steam://run/$STEAM_GAME_ID & sleep 4 GAME_PID=`pgrep $GAME_BINARY` echo '#!/bin/sh' > steam-env-vars.sh while read -d $'\0' ENV; do NAME=`echo $ENV | cut -d= -f1`; VAL=`echo $ENV | cut -d= -f2`; echo "export $NAME=\"$VAL\""; done < /proc/$GAME_PID/environ >> steam-env-vars.sh chmod +x steam-env-vars.sh kill -9 $GAME_PID
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v7.0.0m3--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>Average FPS: #_RESULT_#</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>fps</LineHint> </ResultsParser> <ExtraData> <Identifier>csv-dump-frame-latencies</Identifier> </ExtraData> </PhoronixTestSuite>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Phoronix Test Suite v7.0.0m3--> <PhoronixTestSuite> <TestInformation> <Title>Civilization VI</Title> <Description>This is a benchmark of the Civilization VI game. The test profile assumes you have a Steam account, have Steam installed for the system, and that Civilization VI is available. This automates the process of executing the game and using a standardized benchmark.</Description> <ResultScale>Frames Per Second</ResultScale> <Proportion>HIB</Proportion> <TimesToRun>3</TimesToRun> <PreInstallMessage>This test will attempt to install the necessary game using your Steam account. If the test appears hung you may need to manually exit the Steam client.</PreInstallMessage> </TestInformation> <TestProfile> <Version>1.0.0</Version> <SupportedPlatforms>Linux</SupportedPlatforms> <SoftwareType>Game</SoftwareType> <TestType>Graphics</TestType> <License>Free</License> <Status>Unverified</Status> <SupportedArchitectures>x86, x86_64</SupportedArchitectures> <EnvironmentSize>2</EnvironmentSize> <ProjectURL>http://store.steampowered.com/app/289070/</ProjectURL> <Maintainer>Michael Larabel</Maintainer> </TestProfile> <TestSettings> <Option> <DisplayName>Quality</DisplayName> <Identifier>quality</Identifier> <ArgumentPrefix></ArgumentPrefix> <ArgumentPostfix></ArgumentPostfix> <DefaultEntry>0</DefaultEntry> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>Lowest</Name> <Value>LOW</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>Highest</Name> <Value>HIGH</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> <Option> <DisplayName>Resolution</DisplayName> <Identifier>auto-resolution</Identifier> <ArgumentPrefix></ArgumentPrefix> <ArgumentPostfix></ArgumentPostfix> <DefaultEntry>0</DefaultEntry> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>$VIDEO_WIDTH x $VIDEO_HEIGHT</Name> <Value>$VIDEO_WIDTH $VIDEO_HEIGHT</Value> <Message></Message> </Entry> </Menu> </Option> </TestSettings> </PhoronixTestSuite>