
Apple M4 Pro testing with a Apple Mac mini and Apple M4 Pro on macOS 15.2 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

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CCTA_Bespoke_render_MacMini-M4ProcessorMotherboardMemoryDiskGraphicsMonitorOSKernelOpenCLCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionRun1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-proApple M4 (10 Cores)Apple Mac mini16GB461GBApple M4LC49G95TmacOS (arm64)OpenCL 1.2 (Aug 4 2024 00:06:31)GCC 16.0.0 + Clang 16.0.0 + Xcode 16.1APFS2560x1440Apple M4 Pro (14 Cores)24GBApple M4 PromacOS (arm64)OpenCL 1.2 (Nov 9 2024 22:11:50)OpenBenchmarking.orgEnvironment Details- XPC_FLAGS=0x0Java Details- Please visit java for information on installing Java.Python Details- Run1: Python 3.13.0- cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro: Python 3.12.7

CCTA_Bespoke_render_MacMini-M4tesseract-ocr: Time To OCR 7 Imagespyhpc: CPU - Numba - 16384 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numba - 65536 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numba - 65536 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 16384 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 16384 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 65536 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 65536 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numba - 16384 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numba - 65536 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numba - 65536 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 16384 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 16384 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 65536 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 65536 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numba - 262144 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numba - 262144 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 262144 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 262144 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numba - 262144 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numba - 262144 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 262144 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 262144 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numba - 1048576 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numba - 1048576 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numba - 4194304 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numba - 4194304 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 1048576 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 1048576 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 4194304 - Equation of Statepyhpc: CPU - Numpy - 4194304 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numba - 1048576 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numba - 1048576 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numba - 4194304 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numba - 4194304 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 1048576 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 1048576 - Isoneutral Mixingpyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 4194304 - Equation of Statepyhpc: GPU - Numpy - 4194304 - Isoneutral Mixingprimesieve: 1e12primesieve: 1e13pyperformance: gopyperformance: chaospyperformance: floatpyperformance: nbodypyperformance: pathlibpyperformance: raytracepyperformance: xml_etreepyperformance: gc_collectpyperformance: json_loadspyperformance: crypto_pyaespyperformance: async_tree_iopyperformance: regex_compilepyperformance: python_startuppyperformance: asyncio_tcp_sslpyperformance: django_templatepyperformance: asyncio_websocketspyperformance: pickle_pure_pythonpybench: Total For Average Test Timesportal2: 2560 x 1440 - VulkanRun1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro14.56316.052216.87545716.0590.0010.0020.0070.0020.0040.0

Tesseract OCR

Time To OCR 7 Images

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTesseract OCR 5.5.0Time To OCR 7 ImagesRun1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro48121620SE +/- 0.03, N = 3SE +/- 0.03, N = 314.5616.06

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00020.00040.00060.00080.001SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.001

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00050.0010.00150.0020.0025SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.002

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00160.00320.00480.00640.008SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.007

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00050.0010.00150.0020.0025SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.002

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00090.00180.00270.00360.0045SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.004

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00180.00360.00540.00720.009SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.008

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00270.00540.00810.01080.0135SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.012

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00020.00040.00060.00080.001SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.001

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00050.0010.00150.0020.0025SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.002

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00160.00320.00480.00640.008SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.007

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00050.0010.00150.0020.0025SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.002

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 16384 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00090.00180.00270.00360.0045SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.004

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00180.00360.00540.00720.009SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.008

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 65536 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00270.00540.00810.01080.0135SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.012

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00160.00320.00480.00640.008SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.007

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00720.01440.02160.02880.036SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.032

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00880.01760.02640.03520.044SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.039

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.01170.02340.03510.04680.0585SE +/- 0.001, N = 30.052

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00160.00320.00480.00640.008SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.007

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00720.01440.02160.02880.036SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.032

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.0090.0180.0270.0360.045SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.040

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 262144 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.01150.0230.03450.0460.0575SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.051

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00650.0130.01950.0260.0325SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.029

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02540.05080.07620.10160.127SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.113

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02630.05260.07890.10520.1315SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.117

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.10870.21740.32610.43480.5435SE +/- 0.001, N = 30.483

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02970.05940.08910.11880.1485SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.132

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.0590.1180.1770.2360.295SE +/- 0.003, N = 30.262

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.14990.29980.44970.59960.7495SE +/- 0.002, N = 30.666

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: CPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.25040.50080.75121.00161.252SE +/- 0.007, N = 31.113

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.00650.0130.01950.0260.0325SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.029

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02540.05080.07620.10160.127SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.113

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02630.05260.07890.10520.1315SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.117

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numba - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.10870.21740.32610.43480.5435SE +/- 0.001, N = 30.483

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.02950.0590.08850.1180.1475SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.131

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 1048576 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.05940.11880.17820.23760.297SE +/- 0.001, N = 30.264

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of State

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Equation of Statecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.14940.29880.44820.59760.747SE +/- 0.000, N = 30.664

PyHPC Benchmarks

Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixing

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPyHPC Benchmarks 3.0Device: GPU - Backend: Numpy - Project Size: 4194304 - Benchmark: Isoneutral Mixingcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro0.25520.51040.76561.02081.276SE +/- 0.000, N = 31.134


Length: 1e12

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPrimesieve 12.6Length: 1e12Run1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro48121620SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.14, N = 1216.0510.371. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -arch -isysroot


Length: 1e13

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterPrimesieve 12.6Length: 1e13Run1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro50100150200250SE +/- 0.29, N = 3SE +/- 1.05, N = 12216.88132.741. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -arch -isysroot


Benchmark: go

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: gocctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro1632486480SE +/- 0.23, N = 372.0


Benchmark: chaos

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: chaoscctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro714212835SE +/- 0.03, N = 330.1


Benchmark: float

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: floatcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro918273645SE +/- 0.00, N = 338.8


Benchmark: nbody

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: nbodycctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro1224364860SE +/- 0.03, N = 354.5


Benchmark: pathlib

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: pathlibcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro3691215SE +/- 0.03, N = 312.8


Benchmark: raytrace

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: raytracecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro306090120150SE +/- 0.00, N = 3157


Benchmark: xml_etree

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: xml_etreecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro714212835SE +/- 0.03, N = 327.9


Benchmark: gc_collect

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: gc_collectcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro120240360480600SE +/- 0.33, N = 3560


Benchmark: json_loads

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: json_loadscctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro3691215SE +/- 0.03, N = 311.4


Benchmark: crypto_pyaes

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: crypto_pyaescctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro918273645SE +/- 0.06, N = 340.5


Benchmark: async_tree_io

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: async_tree_iocctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro110220330440550SE +/- 0.33, N = 3510


Benchmark: regex_compile

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: regex_compilecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro1326395265SE +/- 0.00, N = 356.9


Benchmark: python_startup

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: python_startupcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro246810SE +/- 0.00, N = 37.36


Benchmark: asyncio_tcp_ssl

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: asyncio_tcp_sslcctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro150300450600750SE +/- 1.53, N = 3690


Benchmark: django_template

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: django_templatecctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro48121620SE +/- 0.00, N = 315.6


Benchmark: asyncio_websockets

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: asyncio_websocketscctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro70140210280350SE +/- 3.48, N = 3332


Benchmark: pickle_pure_python

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyPerformance 1.11Benchmark: pickle_pure_pythoncctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro306090120150SE +/- 0.00, N = 3145


Total For Average Test Times

OpenBenchmarking.orgMilliseconds, Fewer Is BetterPyBench 2018-02-16Total For Average Test TimesRun1cctabespokerendermacmini-m4-pro100200300400500SE +/- 2.08, N = 3SE +/- 1.45, N = 3457424

Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5