FreeBSD Proxmox Common KVM testing with a QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX 1996) pc-i440fx-6.0 and Intel 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI on FreeBSD via the Phoronix Test Suite.
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FreeBSD Proxmox Processor Motherboard Chipset Memory Disk Graphics OS Kernel Compiler File-System Proxmox 7 ZFS Common KVM (4 Cores) QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX 1996) pc-i440fx-6.0 Intel 440FX 82441FX PMC [Natoma] 4096MB 47GB Intel 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE (x86_64) GCC 10.3.0 + Clang 11.0.1 zfs - --build=x86_64-portbld-freebsd13.0 --disable-nls --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,fortran --enable-multilib --enable-plugin --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/local/man --with-as=/usr/local/bin/as --with-build-config=bootstrap-debug --with-gmp=/usr/local --with-ld=/usr/local/bin/ld --without-zstd
FreeBSD Proxmox phpbench: PHP Benchmark Suite apache: 100 nginx: 100 sqlite-speedtest: Timed Time - Size 1,000 pgbench: 1 - 100 - Read Only - Average Latency pgbench: 1 - 100 - Read Only openssl: RSA4096 openssl: RSA4096 openssl: SHA256 compress-7zip: Compress Speed Test john-the-ripper: MD5 john-the-ripper: Blowfish iperf: - 5201 - 360 Seconds - TCP - 20 t-test1: 2 t-test1: 1 pgbench: 1 - 100 - Read Write - Average Latency pgbench: 1 - 100 - Read Write blogbench: Write blogbench: Read Proxmox 7 ZFS 321349 22418.65 206.46 607.512 1.492 67017 51093.4 780.8 1074437310 20333 175935 6510 941 3.295 9.161 169.748 635 1267 1132456
PHPBench PHP Benchmark Suite Score, More Is Better PHPBench 0.8.1 PHP Benchmark Suite Proxmox 7 ZFS 70K 140K 210K 280K 350K SE +/- 44.94, N = 3 321349
Apache HTTP Server Concurrent Requests: 100 Requests Per Second, More Is Better Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 Concurrent Requests: 100 Proxmox 7 ZFS 5K 10K 15K 20K 25K SE +/- 46.86, N = 3 22418.65 1. (CC) gcc options: -shared -fPIC -O2
nginx Concurrent Requests: 100 Requests Per Second, More Is Better nginx 1.21.1 Concurrent Requests: 100 Proxmox 7 ZFS 50 100 150 200 250 SE +/- 1.11, N = 3 206.46 1. (CC) gcc options: -lcrypt -lz -O3 -march=native
SQLite Speedtest Timed Time - Size 1,000 Seconds, Fewer Is Better SQLite Speedtest 3.30 Timed Time - Size 1,000 Proxmox 7 ZFS 130 260 390 520 650 SE +/- 1.39, N = 3 607.51 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lz -lpthread
PostgreSQL pgbench Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Only - Average Latency ms, Fewer Is Better PostgreSQL pgbench 13.0 Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Only - Average Latency Proxmox 7 ZFS 0.3357 0.6714 1.0071 1.3428 1.6785 SE +/- 0.003, N = 3 1.492 1. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -O2 -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lexecinfo -lm
PostgreSQL pgbench Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Only TPS, More Is Better PostgreSQL pgbench 13.0 Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Only Proxmox 7 ZFS 14K 28K 42K 56K 70K SE +/- 120.61, N = 3 67017 1. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -O2 -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lexecinfo -lm
OpenSSL Algorithm: RSA4096 verify/s, More Is Better OpenSSL 3.0 Algorithm: RSA4096 Proxmox 7 ZFS 11K 22K 33K 44K 55K SE +/- 104.96, N = 3 51093.4 1. (CC) gcc options: -pthread -O3 -lssl -lcrypto
OpenSSL Algorithm: RSA4096 sign/s, More Is Better OpenSSL 3.0 Algorithm: RSA4096 Proxmox 7 ZFS 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 0.74, N = 3 780.8 1. (CC) gcc options: -pthread -O3 -lssl -lcrypto
OpenSSL Algorithm: SHA256 byte/s, More Is Better OpenSSL 3.0 Algorithm: SHA256 Proxmox 7 ZFS 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M SE +/- 664193.75, N = 3 1074437310 1. (CC) gcc options: -pthread -O3 -lssl -lcrypto
7-Zip Compression Compress Speed Test MIPS, More Is Better 7-Zip Compression 16.02 Compress Speed Test Proxmox 7 ZFS 4K 8K 12K 16K 20K SE +/- 4.91, N = 3 20333 1. (CXX) g++ options: -pipe -lpthread
John The Ripper Test: MD5 Real C/S, More Is Better John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1 Test: MD5 Proxmox 7 ZFS 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K SE +/- 863.36, N = 3 175935 1. (CC) gcc options: -m64 -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp -lgmp -pthread -lm -lz -ldl -lcrypt -lbz2
John The Ripper Test: Blowfish Real C/S, More Is Better John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1 Test: Blowfish Proxmox 7 ZFS 1400 2800 4200 5600 7000 SE +/- 7.22, N = 3 6510 1. (CC) gcc options: -m64 -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp -lgmp -pthread -lm -lz -ldl -lcrypt -lbz2
iPerf Server Address: - Server Port: 5201 - Duration: 360 Seconds - Test: TCP - Parallel: 20 Mbits/sec, More Is Better iPerf 3.7 Server Address: - Server Port: 5201 - Duration: 360 Seconds - Test: TCP - Parallel: 20 Proxmox 7 ZFS 200 400 600 800 1000 941 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -lssl -lcrypto -lm
t-test1 Threads: 2 Seconds, Fewer Is Better t-test1 2017-01-13 Threads: 2 Proxmox 7 ZFS 0.7414 1.4828 2.2242 2.9656 3.707 SE +/- 0.006, N = 3 3.295 1. (CC) gcc options: -pthread
t-test1 Threads: 1 Seconds, Fewer Is Better t-test1 2017-01-13 Threads: 1 Proxmox 7 ZFS 3 6 9 12 15 SE +/- 0.037, N = 3 9.161 1. (CC) gcc options: -pthread
PostgreSQL pgbench Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Write - Average Latency ms, Fewer Is Better PostgreSQL pgbench 13.0 Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Write - Average Latency Proxmox 7 ZFS 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 12.35, N = 15 169.75 1. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -O2 -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lexecinfo -lm
PostgreSQL pgbench Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Write TPS, More Is Better PostgreSQL pgbench 13.0 Scaling Factor: 1 - Clients: 100 - Mode: Read Write Proxmox 7 ZFS 140 280 420 560 700 SE +/- 48.39, N = 15 635 1. (CC) gcc options: -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -O2 -lpgcommon -lpgport -lpq -lexecinfo -lm
BlogBench Test: Write Final Score, More Is Better BlogBench 1.1 Test: Write Proxmox 7 ZFS 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 383.67, N = 3 1267 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread
BlogBench Test: Read Final Score, More Is Better BlogBench 1.1 Test: Read Proxmox 7 ZFS 200K 400K 600K 800K 1000K SE +/- 119452.26, N = 9 1132456 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread
Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5