AMD A10-5800K Trinity APU

Initial Linux benchmarking of the AMD A10-5800K Trinity APU with a MSI A85XA-G65 (AMD A85X Socket FM2 motherboard) on Ubuntu 12.10 with the Linux 3.5 kernel. Benchmarking by Michael Larabel for a future article on More Linux benchmarks of the AMD A10 Trinity are forthcoming.

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AMD A10-5800K Trinity APUProcessorMotherboardChipsetMemoryDiskGraphicsAudioMonitorNetworkOSKernelDesktopDisplay ServerDisplay DriverOpenGLCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionAMD A10-5800K Trinity APUAMD A10-5800K APU @ 3.80GHz (4 Cores)MSI A85XA-G65 (MS-7793) v1.0AMD Family 15h3584MB60GB OCZ VERTEX2AMD ATI Device 9901 512MBATI R6xx HDMIDELL P2210HRealtek RTL8111/8168BUbuntu (x86_64)Unity 6.6.0X Server 1.13.0radeon 6.99.992.1 Mesa 9.0-devel Gallium 0.4GCC --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-arch-32=i686 --with-tune=generic -v - Scaling Governor: ondemand- Compiz was running on this system.

AMD A10-5800K Trinity APUc-ray: Total Timeffte: N=64, 1D Complex FFT Routinehimeno: Poisson Pressure Solverlammps: Rhodopsin Proteinminion: Bibdminion: Gracefulminion: Solitaireminion: Quasigroupnpb: EP.Bnpb: FT.Bnpb: LU.Anpb: MG.Bnpb: SP.Anpb: UA.Anero2d: Total Timesmallpt: Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Sampleshmmer: Pfam Database Searchbuild-linux-kernel: Time To Compilemafft: Multiple Sequence Alignmentttsiod-renderer: Phong Rendering With Soft-Shadow Mappingvpxenc: vpxencx264: H.264 Video EncodingAMD A10-5800K Trinity


Total Time

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterC-Ray 1.1Total TimeAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU20406080100SE +/- 0.35, N = 390.151. (CC) gcc options: -lm -lpthread -O3


Test: N=64, 1D Complex FFT Routine

OpenBenchmarking.orgMFLOPS, More Is BetterFFTE 5.0Test: N=64, 1D Complex FFT RoutineAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU7001400210028003500SE +/- 44.25, N = 33403.361. (F9X) gfortran options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fopenmp -pthread -lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lnsl -lutil -lm

Himeno Benchmark

Poisson Pressure Solver

OpenBenchmarking.orgMFLOPS, More Is BetterHimeno Benchmark 3.0Poisson Pressure SolverAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU140280420560700SE +/- 12.49, N = 6648.431. (CC) gcc options: -O3

LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator

Test: Rhodopsin Protein

OpenBenchmarking.orgLoop Time, Fewer Is BetterLAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator 1.0Test: Rhodopsin ProteinAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU1428425670SE +/- 0.07, N = 362.961. (CXX) g++ options: -lfftw -lmpich


Benchmark: Bibd

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterMinion 0.12Benchmark: BibdAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU4080120160200SE +/- 3.10, N = 4179.221. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2


Benchmark: Graceful

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterMinion 0.12Benchmark: GracefulAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU20406080100SE +/- 0.62, N = 394.401. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2


Benchmark: Solitaire

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterMinion 0.12Benchmark: SolitaireAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU50100150200250SE +/- 3.94, N = 6206.371. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2


Benchmark: Quasigroup

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterMinion 0.12Benchmark: QuasigroupAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU4080120160200SE +/- 3.54, N = 3193.421. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -lboost_iostreams-mt -lz -lbz2

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: EP.B

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: EP.BAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU20406080100SE +/- 1.95, N = 695.061. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: FT.B

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: FT.BAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU6001200180024003000SE +/- 15.69, N = 32905.201. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: LU.A

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: LU.AAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU12002400360048006000SE +/- 43.98, N = 35483.311. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: MG.B

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: MG.BAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU7001400210028003500SE +/- 25.16, N = 33260.461. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: SP.A

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: SP.AAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU7001400210028003500SE +/- 16.23, N = 33240.971. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Test / Class: UA.A

OpenBenchmarking.orgTotal Mop/s, More Is BetterNAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3Test / Class: UA.AAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU510152025SE +/- 0.11, N = 319.981. (F9X) gfortran options: -fopenmp

Open FMM Nero2D

Total Time

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterOpen FMM Nero2D 2.0.2Total TimeAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU110220330440550527.581. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lquadmath -lm


Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterSmallpt 1.0Global Illumination Renderer; 100 SamplesAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU60120180240300SE +/- 0.33, N = 32661. (CXX) g++ options: -fopenmp

Timed HMMer Search

Pfam Database Search

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed HMMer Search 2.3.2Pfam Database SearchAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU714212835SE +/- 0.92, N = 628.331. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread -lhmmer -lsquid -lm

Timed Linux Kernel Compilation

Time To Compile

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Linux Kernel Compilation 3.1Time To CompileAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU4080120160200SE +/- 0.07, N = 3194.80

Timed MAFFT Alignment

Multiple Sequence Alignment

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed MAFFT Alignment 6.864Multiple Sequence AlignmentAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU48121620SE +/- 0.34, N = 614.191. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lm -lpthread

TTSIOD 3D Renderer

Phong Rendering With Soft-Shadow Mapping

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterTTSIOD 3D Renderer 2.2wPhong Rendering With Soft-Shadow MappingAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU1224364860SE +/- 0.10, N = 352.271. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -mtune=native -flto -msse -mrecip -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -mssse3 -lSDL -lstdc++

VP8 libvpx Encoding


OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterVP8 libvpx Encoding 0.9.7-p1vpxencAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU48121620SE +/- 0.06, N = 313.881. (CC) gcc options: -m64 -lvpx -lm -lpthread


H.264 Video Encoding

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is Betterx264 2011-12-06H.264 Video EncodingAMD A10-5800K Trinity APU1428425670SE +/- 0.11, N = 362.44

Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5