* Note: Due to differences in Linux drivers/interfaces, the reported CPU clock may be displayed different depending upon the CPU - i.e. base vs. boost frequency. * Disclosure: OpenBenchmarking.org may earn a commission/referral on affiliate shopping links should you decide to make any purchases from the third-party shopping links.
Of the components selected for comparison, there were 52 benchmarks in common (matching test profile, test version and any configurable test options) and where that data was statistically significant and at least three independent data points for each component of the public test results on OpenBenchmarking.org.
OpenBenchmarking.org Geometric Mean, More Is Better Geometric Mean Of All Test Results Result Composite Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 60 120 180 240 300 293.14 271.54 251.50 229.37 204.19 171.45 159.49 118.56
OpenBenchmarking.org Geometric Mean Per Dollar, More Is Better Geometric Mean Of All Test Results Performance / Cost - Result Composite Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.1645 0.329 0.4935 0.658 0.8225 0.731 0.655 0.566 0.538 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
Intel Core i9-11900K had the most wins, coming in first place for 76% of the tests.
Based on the geometric mean of all complete results, the fastest (Intel Core i9-11900K) was 2.473x the speed of the slowest (Intel Core i7-2700K). Intel Core i9-10900K was 0.926x the speed of Intel Core i9-11900K, Intel Core i9-9900K was 0.926x the speed of Intel Core i9-10900K, Intel Core i7-8700K was 0.912x the speed of Intel Core i9-9900K, Intel Core i7-7700K was 0.89x the speed of Intel Core i7-8700K, Intel Core i7-5775C was 0.84x the speed of Intel Core i7-7700K, Intel Core i7-4770K was 0.93x the speed of Intel Core i7-5775C, Intel Core i7-2700K was 0.743x the speed of Intel Core i7-4770K.
The results with the greatest spread from best to worst included:
, SVT-HEVC (Tuning: 1 - Input: Bosphorus 1080p ) at 45.591x, ASKAP (Test: Hogbom Clean OpenMP ) at 5.772x, LuaRadio (Test: Five Back to Back FIR Filters ) at 4.553x, Basis Universal (Settings: UASTC Level 3 ) at 4.37x, asmFish (1024 Hash Memory, 26 Depth ) at 4.217x, Basis Universal (Settings: UASTC Level 2 ) at 4.081x, Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation (Time To Compile ) at 4.019x, ASKAP (Test: tConvolve OpenMP - Gridding ) at 3.851x, Build2 (Time To Compile ) at 3.584x, Ngspice (Circuit: C7552 ) at 3.123x.
52 Benchmarks Found In Common - Sort By: Greatest Spread
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Test: tConvolve MT - Gridding Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 35.43, N = 11 SE +/- 0.50, N = 3 SE +/- 0.28, N = 3 SE +/- 0.17, N = 3 SE +/- 0.93, N = 7 SE +/- 19.80, N = 4 SE +/- 3.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.10, N = 3 1239 1228 1133 1106 1032 909 695 513
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: tConvolve MT - Gridding Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.7895 1.579 2.3685 3.158 3.9475 3.509 3.294 2.273 2.150 1. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Test: tConvolve MT - Degridding Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 1.32, N = 3 SE +/- 0.96, N = 3 SE +/- 42.29, N = 11 SE +/- 3.11, N = 7 SE +/- 0.29, N = 3 SE +/- 29.18, N = 4 SE +/- 1.89, N = 3 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 1942 1860 1791 1765 1687 1252 1084 694
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: tConvolve MT - Degridding Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 1.2701 2.5402 3.8103 5.0804 6.3505 5.645 5.314 3.677 3.286 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Test: tConvolve OpenMP - Gridding Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SE +/- 34.03, N = 4 SE +/- 0.73, N = 3 SE +/- 38.56, N = 7 SE +/- 39.87, N = 11 SE +/- 10.13, N = 3 SE +/- 2.20, N = 3 SE +/- 9.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.09, N = 3 1779 1315 1310 1287 1271 1105 672 462
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: tConvolve OpenMP - Gridding Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.8453 1.6906 2.5359 3.3812 4.2265 3.757 3.695 2.729 2.361 1. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Test: tConvolve OpenMP - Degridding Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 SE +/- 59.54, N = 7 SE +/- 3.68, N = 3 SE +/- 70.55, N = 11 SE +/- 1.74, N = 3 SE +/- 4.20, N = 4 SE +/- 1.32, N = 3 SE +/- 5.37, N = 3 SE +/- 1.17, N = 3 2323 2256 2206 2045 2021 1778 1164 746
OpenBenchmarking.org Million Grid Points Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: tConvolve OpenMP - Degridding Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 2 4 6 8 10 6.558 5.843 4.840 4.048 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Iterations Per Second, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Test: Hogbom Clean OpenMP Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 50 100 150 200 250 SE +/- 5.13, N = 11 SE +/- 0.23, N = 3 SE +/- 0.16, N = 4 SE +/- 0.10, N = 3 SE +/- 0.74, N = 7 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.06, N = 3 219.00 199.00 198.00 189.00 187.00 169.00 103.00 38.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Iterations Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better ASKAP 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: Hogbom Clean OpenMP Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.1301 0.2602 0.3903 0.5204 0.6505 0.578 0.540 0.402 0.390 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Nodes/second, More Is Better asmFish 2018-07-23 1024 Hash Memory, 26 Depth Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 8M 16M 24M 32M 40M SE +/- 198052.47, N = 29 SE +/- 123458.25, N = 39 SE +/- 386813.53, N = 34 SE +/- 199755.25, N = 7 SE +/- 140729.24, N = 11 SE +/- 32533.85, N = 4 SE +/- 175964.43, N = 9 SE +/- 128552.78, N = 19 39554747 32047394 29001869 20918924 14388150 11228715 11180014 9380892
OpenBenchmarking.org Nodes/second Per Dollar, More Is Better asmFish 2018-07-23 Performance / Cost - 1024 Hash Memory, 26 Depth Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 84307.76 82405.72 59768.35 58802.56 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Settings: ETC1S Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 11 22 33 44 55 SE +/- 0.24, N = 17 SE +/- 0.13, N = 11 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.60, N = 4 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 SE +/- 0.11, N = 4 SE +/- 0.60, N = 6 21.00 22.00 24.00 27.00 32.00 38.00 39.00 49.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Performance / Cost - Settings: ETC1S Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 2K 4K 6K 8K 10K 8256.00 9450.00 10560.00 11445.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Settings: UASTC Level 2 Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.08, N = 11 SE +/- 0.15, N = 17 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.81, N = 4 SE +/- 0.05, N = 4 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 2.65, N = 6 25.00 28.00 34.00 44.00 61.00 82.00 82.00 103.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Performance / Cost - Settings: UASTC Level 2 Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 11696.00 12000.00 15260.00 15400.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Settings: UASTC Level 3 Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 0.20, N = 11 SE +/- 0.25, N = 17 SE +/- 0.07, N = 3 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 1.88, N = 4 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.18, N = 4 SE +/- 5.70, N = 6 47.00 52.00 67.00 85.00 120.00 159.00 162.00 204.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Basis Universal 1.13 Performance / Cost - Settings: UASTC Level 3 Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K 6K 12K 18K 24K 30K 22560.00 23048.00 28340.00 29750.00 1. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Build2 0.13 Time To Compile Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 90 180 270 360 450 SE +/- 1.28, N = 11 SE +/- 1.26, N = 13 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 0.26, N = 3 SE +/- 0.18, N = 4 SE +/- 1.31, N = 3 SE +/- 15.21, N = 4 SE +/- 3.15, N = 3 113 124 131 163 222 240 372 405
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Build2 0.13 Performance / Cost - Time To Compile Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 14K 28K 42K 56K 70K 45064.00 54240.00 57050.00 67580.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Iterations/Sec, More Is Better Coremark 1.0 CoreMark Size 666 - Iterations Per Second Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 110K 220K 330K 440K 550K SE +/- 5896.18, N = 34 SE +/- 5751.73, N = 59 SE +/- 3737.36, N = 18 SE +/- 6513.65, N = 8 SE +/- 1499.77, N = 5 SE +/- 1971.11, N = 7 SE +/- 571.62, N = 8 SE +/- 4052.77, N = 4 508871 402451 382820 281643 174507 145646 140105 100712
OpenBenchmarking.org Iterations/Sec Per Dollar, More Is Better Coremark 1.0 Performance / Cost - CoreMark Size 666 - Iterations Per Second Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 200 400 600 800 1000 1112.85 1060.15 804.69 738.44 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Nodes Per Second, More Is Better Crafty 25.2 Elapsed Time Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 2M 4M 6M 8M 10M SE +/- 137710.90, N = 22 SE +/- 37798.62, N = 37 SE +/- 61867.27, N = 32 SE +/- 82259.86, N = 32 SE +/- 102191.37, N = 28 SE +/- 127358.78, N = 7 SE +/- 246473.40, N = 5 SE +/- 84759.65, N = 4 10876739 10211193 9723010 9344672 8989998 7218008 7100772 6140981
OpenBenchmarking.org Nodes Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better Crafty 25.2 Performance / Cost - Elapsed Time Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 6K 12K 18K 24K 30K 28264.56 26699.06 21273.32 19957.32 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better FLAC Audio Encoding 1.3.2 WAV To FLAC Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.093, N = 54 SE +/- 0.159, N = 36 SE +/- 0.073, N = 120 SE +/- 0.111, N = 47 SE +/- 0.214, N = 21 SE +/- 0.207, N = 4 SE +/- 0.263, N = 4 SE +/- 0.397, N = 21 6.520 7.750 7.920 7.950 9.020 10.770 10.910 14.580
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better FLAC Audio Encoding 1.3.2 Performance / Cost - WAV To FLAC Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 2734.80 2772.00 3553.40 3720.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Gcrypt Library 1.9 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 70 140 210 280 350 SE +/- 4.42, N = 5 SE +/- 0.46, N = 9 SE +/- 0.15, N = 3 SE +/- 0.20, N = 3 SE +/- 0.19, N = 3 SE +/- 0.24, N = 3 SE +/- 0.25, N = 4 SE +/- 0.60, N = 3 163 175 180 192 200 243 246 312
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Gcrypt Library 1.9 Performance / Cost Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 61920.00 67200.00 84000.00 88835.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org GMPbench Score, More Is Better GNU GMP GMPbench 6.2.1 Total Time Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 1400 2800 4200 5600 7000 SE +/- 79.25, N = 23 SE +/- 9.63, N = 3 SE +/- 3.65, N = 3 SE +/- 9.59, N = 3 SE +/- 11.32, N = 4 SE +/- 0.65, N = 4 SE +/- 1.33, N = 6 SE +/- 0.95, N = 3 6559 6459 6259 5866 5613 4624 4058 3488
OpenBenchmarking.org GMPbench Score Per Dollar, More Is Better GNU GMP GMPbench 6.2.1 Performance / Cost - Total Time Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 4 8 12 16 20 18.20 16.76 13.46 12.04 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Voices, More Is Better Google SynthMark 20201109 Test: VoiceMark_100 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 6.43, N = 17 SE +/- 0.39, N = 3 SE +/- 15.53, N = 13 SE +/- 1.65, N = 6 SE +/- 0.30, N = 3 SE +/- 0.19, N = 6 SE +/- 0.84, N = 7 SE +/- 5.69, N = 7 944 779 767 734 705 639 606 490
OpenBenchmarking.org Voices Per Dollar, More Is Better Google SynthMark 20201109 Performance / Cost - Test: VoiceMark_100 Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.5096 1.0192 1.5288 2.0384 2.548 2.265 2.097 1.732 1.598 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org QUIPs, More Is Better Hierarchical INTegration 1.0 Test: FLOAT Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 140M 280M 420M 560M 700M SE +/- 14674734.12, N = 3 SE +/- 6348099.94, N = 14 SE +/- 1054586.84, N = 5 SE +/- 5125833.26, N = 6 SE +/- 10043487.31, N = 5 SE +/- 4579086.64, N = 6 SE +/- 4340931.97, N = 47 SE +/- 5642332.58, N = 5 645658198 494509963 491788764 471633108 449513393 376285435 356188587 302290107
OpenBenchmarking.org QUIPs Per Dollar, More Is Better Hierarchical INTegration 1.0 Performance / Cost - Test: FLOAT Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 300K 600K 900K 1200K 1500K 1429618.50 1347523.17 1184693.94 1030229.09 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Test: Five Back to Back FIR Filters Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 24.11, N = 21 SE +/- 9.83, N = 8 SE +/- 2.42, N = 4 SE +/- 6.60, N = 3 SE +/- 3.93, N = 3 SE +/- 0.31, N = 6 SE +/- 0.77, N = 4 SE +/- 1.30, N = 3 1589 1335 1242 1153 787 544 537 349
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Performance / Cost - Test: Five Back to Back FIR Filters Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.8123 1.6246 2.4369 3.2492 4.0615 3.610 3.294 2.916 2.781 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Test: FM Deemphasis Filter Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 120 240 360 480 600 SE +/- 4.74, N = 21 SE +/- 2.32, N = 8 SE +/- 1.23, N = 4 SE +/- 0.46, N = 3 SE +/- 0.53, N = 3 SE +/- 1.89, N = 6 SE +/- 0.40, N = 4 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 560 555 475 460 444 401 364 296
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Performance / Cost - Test: FM Deemphasis Filter Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.3107 0.6214 0.9321 1.2428 1.5535 1.381 1.314 1.156 1.028 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Test: Hilbert Transform Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-2700K 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 1.09, N = 19 SE +/- 0.29, N = 8 SE +/- 0.12, N = 6 SE +/- 0.06, N = 4 SE +/- 0.03, N = 4 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.20, N = 3 SE +/- 0.09, N = 3 110 91 88 87 83 82 79 76
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Performance / Cost - Test: Hilbert Transform Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.0569 0.1138 0.1707 0.2276 0.2845 0.253 0.234 0.202 0.190 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Test: Complex Phase Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 8.52, N = 17 SE +/- 4.93, N = 6 SE +/- 4.28, N = 4 SE +/- 7.32, N = 3 SE +/- 10.53, N = 3 SE +/- 0.54, N = 4 SE +/- 0.44, N = 6 SE +/- 0.30, N = 3 813 761 695 661 639 569 530 425
OpenBenchmarking.org MiB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better LuaRadio 0.9.1 Performance / Cost - Test: Complex Phase Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.4545 0.909 1.3635 1.818 2.2725 2.020 1.889 1.585 1.492 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: XZ 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 13 26 39 52 65 SE +/- 1.19, N = 7 SE +/- 0.89, N = 9 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.37, N = 5 SE +/- 0.68, N = 5 58 50 49 46 44 38 37 31
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: XZ 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.032 0.064 0.096 0.128 0.16 0.142 0.131 0.106 0.104 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: XZ 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 40 80 120 160 200 SE +/- 3.32, N = 7 SE +/- 2.53, N = 9 SE +/- 1.20, N = 3 SE +/- 0.25, N = 4 SE +/- 0.25, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.20, N = 5 SE +/- 0.81, N = 5 159 136 134 124 119 108 105 100
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: XZ 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.0878 0.1756 0.2634 0.3512 0.439 0.390 0.354 0.292 0.283 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Zstd 1 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 150 300 450 600 750 SE +/- 13.95, N = 7 SE +/- 12.02, N = 9 SE +/- 3.79, N = 3 SE +/- 3.73, N = 4 SE +/- 3.03, N = 4 SE +/- 1.15, N = 3 SE +/- 4.58, N = 5 SE +/- 2.94, N = 5 701 611 574 551 531 453 450 358
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Zstd 1 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.3755 0.751 1.1265 1.502 1.8775 1.669 1.574 1.286 1.273 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Zstd 1 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 SE +/- 50.36, N = 7 SE +/- 14.43, N = 4 SE +/- 77.13, N = 9 SE +/- 10.12, N = 4 SE +/- 100.17, N = 3 SE +/- 5.36, N = 3 SE +/- 58.75, N = 5 SE +/- 54.85, N = 5 2412 1912 1869 1842 1678 1573 1432 1095
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Zstd 1 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 1.2292 2.4584 3.6876 4.9168 6.146 5.463 4.878 4.426 3.894 1. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Zstd 8 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 2.62, N = 7 SE +/- 1.91, N = 9 SE +/- 1.53, N = 3 SE +/- 0.96, N = 4 SE +/- 0.41, N = 4 SE +/- 0.66, N = 5 SE +/- 2.52, N = 3 SE +/- 4.25, N = 5 132 105 103 101 97 77 77 64
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Zstd 8 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.0673 0.1346 0.2019 0.2692 0.3365 0.299 0.289 0.242 0.219 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Zstd 8 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 SE +/- 51.93, N = 7 SE +/- 14.92, N = 4 SE +/- 8.11, N = 4 SE +/- 85.72, N = 9 SE +/- 123.85, N = 3 SE +/- 6.17, N = 3 SE +/- 56.47, N = 5 SE +/- 59.96, N = 5 2654 2095 2024 1999 1811 1670 1528 1172
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Zstd 8 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 1.3469 2.6938 4.0407 5.3876 6.7345 5.986 5.265 4.870 4.165 1. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Crush 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 3.17, N = 7 SE +/- 7.42, N = 3 SE +/- 1.89, N = 9 SE +/- 2.25, N = 4 SE +/- 2.18, N = 4 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 0.20, N = 5 SE +/- 3.03, N = 5 153 132 131 116 109 86 85 73
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Crush 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.0864 0.1728 0.2592 0.3456 0.432 0.384 0.331 0.281 0.273 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Crush 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 140 280 420 560 700 SE +/- 12.63, N = 7 SE +/- 12.00, N = 9 SE +/- 12.50, N = 3 SE +/- 9.00, N = 4 SE +/- 3.25, N = 4 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 1.36, N = 5 SE +/- 5.59, N = 5 634 607 573 541 524 495 460 422
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Crush 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.3749 0.7498 1.1247 1.4996 1.8745 1.666 1.546 1.265 1.163 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Brotli 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 140 280 420 560 700 SE +/- 12.99, N = 7 SE +/- 10.73, N = 9 SE +/- 10.14, N = 3 SE +/- 2.02, N = 4 SE +/- 5.52, N = 4 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 1.29, N = 5 SE +/- 4.09, N = 5 656 545 522 492 481 431 398 370
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Brotli 0 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.3413 0.6826 1.0239 1.3652 1.7065 1.517 1.406 1.204 1.135 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Brotli 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 16.72, N = 7 SE +/- 13.01, N = 9 SE +/- 5.78, N = 3 SE +/- 9.29, N = 4 SE +/- 4.02, N = 4 SE +/- 1.33, N = 3 SE +/- 2.16, N = 5 SE +/- 5.16, N = 5 826 770 736 685 645 579 564 485
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Brotli 0 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.4815 0.963 1.4445 1.926 2.4075 2.140 1.957 1.604 1.516 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Brotli 2 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 60 120 180 240 300 SE +/- 5.62, N = 7 SE +/- 3.70, N = 9 SE +/- 0.88, N = 3 SE +/- 1.44, N = 4 SE +/- 1.25, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.87, N = 5 SE +/- 2.62, N = 5 268 229 223 208 200 171 160 142
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Brotli 2 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.1458 0.2916 0.4374 0.5832 0.729 0.648 0.594 0.492 0.477 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Brotli 2 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 200 400 600 800 1000 SE +/- 18.17, N = 7 SE +/- 15.19, N = 9 SE +/- 6.74, N = 3 SE +/- 11.00, N = 4 SE +/- 2.50, N = 4 SE +/- 2.19, N = 3 SE +/- 1.78, N = 5 SE +/- 6.53, N = 5 980 892 858 792 748 672 663 563
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Brotli 2 - Process: Decompression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.5612 1.1224 1.6836 2.2448 2.806 2.494 2.263 1.858 1.798 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Test: Libdeflate 1 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 80 160 240 320 400 SE +/- 7.07, N = 7 SE +/- 5.50, N = 9 SE +/- 4.84, N = 3 SE +/- 1.68, N = 4 SE +/- 0.85, N = 4 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.24, N = 5 SE +/- 1.53, N = 5 346 289 254 249 239 213 196 184
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better lzbench 1.8 Performance / Cost - Test: Libdeflate 1 - Process: Compression Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 0.1661 0.3322 0.4983 0.6644 0.8305 0.738 0.711 0.635 0.602 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Monkey Audio Encoding 3.99.6 WAV To APE Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.012, N = 3 SE +/- 0.030, N = 11 SE +/- 0.007, N = 4 SE +/- 0.015, N = 3 SE +/- 0.017, N = 4 SE +/- 0.054, N = 3 SE +/- 0.016, N = 3 SE +/- 0.006, N = 3 9.880 9.970 10.150 10.450 10.910 13.960 14.480 16.780
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Monkey Audio Encoding 3.99.6 Performance / Cost - WAV To APE Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 1200 2400 3600 4800 6000 3398.72 3657.50 4785.60 5531.75 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Ngspice 34 Circuit: C2670 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 50 100 150 200 250 SE +/- 2.49, N = 23 SE +/- 3.81, N = 10 SE +/- 1.26, N = 3 SE +/- 0.23, N = 3 SE +/- 0.23, N = 3 SE +/- 1.53, N = 4 SE +/- 1.20, N = 3 SE +/- 0.91, N = 3 100 100 109 119 125 151 187 227
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Ngspice 34 Performance / Cost - Circuit: C2670 Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 12K 24K 36K 48K 60K 37496.00 41650.00 48000.00 54500.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Ngspice 34 Circuit: C7552 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 60 120 180 240 300 SE +/- 1.74, N = 23 SE +/- 2.76, N = 10 SE +/- 1.31, N = 3 SE +/- 2.48, N = 3 SE +/- 0.86, N = 3 SE +/- 2.20, N = 4 SE +/- 0.85, N = 3 SE +/- 3.92, N = 3 81 84 89 100 121 138 150 253
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Ngspice 34 Performance / Cost - Circuit: C7552 Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 9K 18K 27K 36K 45K 30616.00 35000.00 40320.00 44145.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Signs Per Second, More Is Better OpenSSL 1.1.1 RSA 4096-bit Performance Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 SE +/- 67.21, N = 34 SE +/- 24.08, N = 8 SE +/- 21.68, N = 78 SE +/- 24.27, N = 25 SE +/- 13.99, N = 20 SE +/- 4.13, N = 5 SE +/- 15.12, N = 8 SE +/- 28.61, N = 3 3530 3069 2693 2006 1333 1047 707 515
OpenBenchmarking.org Signs Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better OpenSSL 1.1.1 Performance / Cost - RSA 4096-bit Performance Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 2 4 6 8 10 7.828 7.354 5.731 5.631 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better RawTherapee Total Benchmark Time Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 0.30, N = 39 SE +/- 0.21, N = 40 SE +/- 0.40, N = 17 SE +/- 0.87, N = 7 SE +/- 0.40, N = 5 SE +/- 4.20, N = 4 SE +/- 1.14, N = 7 SE +/- 0.50, N = 4 51.00 55.00 60.00 68.00 79.00 95.00 109.00 137.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better RawTherapee Performance / Cost - Total Benchmark Time Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 6K 12K 18K 24K 30K 20640.00 23800.00 26400.00 27795.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better RNNoise 2020-06-28 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 7 14 21 28 35 SE +/- 0.26, N = 25 SE +/- 0.07, N = 14 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.08, N = 4 SE +/- 1.23, N = 5 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 19.40 20.90 21.70 23.00 24.10 25.60 28.50 29.20
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better RNNoise 2020-06-28 Performance / Cost Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 2K 4K 6K 8K 10K 7464.80 8050.00 10032.00 10573.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better SQLite Speedtest 3.30 Timed Time - Size 1,000 Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.39, N = 69 SE +/- 0.22, N = 44 SE +/- 0.77, N = 21 SE +/- 3.05, N = 4 SE +/- 1.87, N = 13 SE +/- 2.09, N = 7 SE +/- 3.28, N = 5 SE +/- 1.80, N = 19 45.00 46.00 50.00 57.00 58.00 74.00 76.00 92.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better SQLite Speedtest 3.30 Performance / Cost - Timed Time - Size 1,000 Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 5K 10K 15K 20K 25K 17200.00 20300.00 22080.00 24525.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Frames Per Second, More Is Better SVT-HEVC 1.5.0 Tuning: 1 - Input: Bosphorus 1080p Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 3 6 9 12 15 SE +/- 0.05, N = 13 SE +/- 0.03, N = 41 SE +/- 0.03, N = 6 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 SE +/- 0.02, N = 7 SE +/- 0.00, N = 6 10.00 9.40 6.40 5.40 3.70 2.70 2.60 0.20
OpenBenchmarking.org Frames Per Second Per Dollar, More Is Better SVT-HEVC 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Tuning: 1 - Input: Bosphorus 1080p Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i7-8700K 0.0047 0.0094 0.0141 0.0188 0.0235 0.02083333 0.01860465 0.01724771 0.01542857 1. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Timed Eigen Compilation 3.3.9 Time To Compile Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 20 40 60 80 100 SE +/- 0.54, N = 21 SE +/- 1.34, N = 14 SE +/- 0.18, N = 3 SE +/- 0.83, N = 6 SE +/- 0.06, N = 4 SE +/- 0.05, N = 3 SE +/- 0.90, N = 4 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 56.00 65.00 67.00 73.00 74.00 82.00 96.00 106.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Timed Eigen Compilation 3.3.9 Performance / Cost - Time To Compile Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 7K 14K 21K 28K 35K 23048.00 25550.00 30520.00 31200.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Timed Erlang/OTP Compilation 23.2 Time To Compile Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 60 120 180 240 300 SE +/- 0.51, N = 12 SE +/- 2.75, N = 10 SE +/- 0.21, N = 3 SE +/- 0.10, N = 3 SE +/- 0.24, N = 3 SE +/- 1.81, N = 5 SE +/- 0.06, N = 3 SE +/- 0.10, N = 4 93 98 101 136 166 196 198 289
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Timed Erlang/OTP Compilation 23.2 Performance / Cost - Time To Compile Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 11K 22K 33K 44K 55K 34744.00 47040.00 47600.00 50685.00 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation 3.2.3 Time To Compile Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 90 180 270 360 450 SE +/- 1.93, N = 10 SE +/- 0.94, N = 51 SE +/- 0.06, N = 3 SE +/- 1.64, N = 5 SE +/- 0.09, N = 3 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 17.31, N = 4 SE +/- 0.16, N = 7 107 112 152 171 257 287 364 430
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation 3.2.3 Performance / Cost - Time To Compile Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K 13K 26K 39K 52K 65K 51360.00 52288.00 59850.00 61040.00 1. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better WavPack Audio Encoding 5.3 WAV To WavPack Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.14, N = 32 SE +/- 0.05, N = 11 SE +/- 0.19, N = 4 SE +/- 0.11, N = 6 SE +/- 0.00, N = 4 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 11.90 12.60 13.20 13.60 14.40 15.60 16.30 17.00
OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds x Dollar, Fewer Is Better WavPack Audio Encoding 5.3 Performance / Cost - WAV To WavPack Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 1400 2800 4200 5600 7000 4540.80 4760.00 6048.00 6485.50 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 8 - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 1100 2200 3300 4400 5500 SE +/- 68.49, N = 51 SE +/- 133.74, N = 8 SE +/- 42.13, N = 6 SE +/- 4.25, N = 4 SE +/- 2.13, N = 4 SE +/- 3.50, N = 6 SE +/- 11.45, N = 4 SE +/- 14.63, N = 7 5035 4376 4277 3949 3894 3117 2909 2330
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 8 - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 3 6 9 12 15 12.721 11.283 9.239 8.910 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 19 - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 SE +/- 45.05, N = 29 SE +/- 23.17, N = 5 SE +/- 117.84, N = 8 SE +/- 2.76, N = 4 SE +/- 1.64, N = 4 SE +/- 20.13, N = 7 SE +/- 3.92, N = 4 SE +/- 37.50, N = 7 4457 3828 3821 3434 3350 2669 2556 1973
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 19 - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 3 6 9 12 15 11.108 9.811 8.178 7.975 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 3, Long Mode - Compression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-2700K 300 600 900 1200 1500 SE +/- 42.43, N = 17 SE +/- 5.84, N = 4 SE +/- 62.95, N = 8 SE +/- 5.00, N = 4 SE +/- 2.03, N = 4 SE +/- 3.17, N = 4 SE +/- 2.08, N = 6 SE +/- 15.71, N = 7 1469 1318 1266 1016 975 768 653 479
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 3, Long Mode - Compression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-11900K 0.828 1.656 2.484 3.312 4.14 3.680 2.903 2.746 2.695 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 3, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 1100 2200 3300 4400 5500 SE +/- 78.83, N = 18 SE +/- 142.70, N = 8 SE +/- 17.46, N = 4 SE +/- 2.37, N = 4 SE +/- 3.18, N = 4 SE +/- 1.11, N = 6 SE +/- 8.23, N = 4 SE +/- 13.73, N = 7 5175 4547 4546 4098 4044 3205 3010 2405
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 3, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 3 6 9 12 15 13.218 11.709 9.495 9.471 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 8, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 1200 2400 3600 4800 6000 SE +/- 66.40, N = 55 SE +/- 146.56, N = 8 SE +/- 6.50, N = 4 SE +/- 4.94, N = 4 SE +/- 4.24, N = 4 SE +/- 5.30, N = 6 SE +/- 3.97, N = 4 SE +/- 16.29, N = 7 5378 4689 4656 4217 4161 3275 3091 2477
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 8, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 4 8 12 16 20 13.631 12.049 9.868 9.700 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Compression Level: 19, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-4770K Intel Core i7-5775C Intel Core i7-2700K 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 SE +/- 49.87, N = 57 SE +/- 10.55, N = 5 SE +/- 125.06, N = 8 SE +/- 6.15, N = 4 SE +/- 2.10, N = 4 SE +/- 24.93, N = 7 SE +/- 2.84, N = 4 SE +/- 27.23, N = 7 4473 3848 3844 3468 3403 2665 2596 2064
OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s Per Dollar, More Is Better Zstd Compression 1.5.0 Performance / Cost - Compression Level: 19, Long Mode - Decompression Speed Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-10900K 3 6 9 12 15 11.174 9.909 8.207 8.017 1. Intel Core i9-9900K: $344 reported cost. 2. Intel Core i7-8700K: $350 reported cost. 3. Intel Core i9-11900K: $545 reported cost. 4. Intel Core i9-10900K: $480 reported cost.