J1900 Speed Tests Running pts/blogbench-1.0.0, pts/ramspeed-1.4.0, pts/stream-1.2.0, pts/network-loopback-1.0.1, pts/cachebench-1.0.0, pts/pybench-1.0.0, pts/apache-1.6.1, pts/phpbench-1.1.0 via the Phoronix Test Suite.
HTML result view exported from: https://openbenchmarking.org/result/1404300-SO-1404277PL85&sro .
J1900 Speed Tests Processor Motherboard Chipset Memory Disk Graphics Audio Network OS Kernel Desktop Display Server Display Driver OpenGL Compiler File-System Screen Resolution Celeron J1900 Xubuntu i7-4700MQ + GT740M G840 Intel Celeron J1900 @ 2.90GHz (4 Cores) ASRock Q1900B-ITX Intel ValleyView SSA-CUnit 16384MB 120GB GOODRAM C50 Intel ValleyView Gen7 (854MHz) Intel ValleyView HD Audio Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 Ubuntu 14.04 3.15.0-031500rc2-generic (x86_64) Xfce 4.10 X Server 1.15.1 intel 2.99.911 3.3 Mesa 10.2.0-devel (git-3a2885f trusty-oibaf-ppa) GCC 4.8.2 ext4 1920x1080 Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40GHz (8 Cores) MSI MS-1758 Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th 120GB INTEL SSDSC2CT12 + 1000GB HGST HTS721010A9 MSI NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M 2048MB (540/900MHz) Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Qualcomm Atheros AR8161 Gigabit + Realtek RTL8723AE PCIe Wireless 3.13.0-24-generic (x86_64) NVIDIA 331.38 4.3.0 Intel Pentium G840 @ 2.80GHz (2 Cores) Gigabyte Tecohnology H61MA-D3V Intel 2nd Generation Core Family DRAM 7168MB 120GB GOODRAM C50 Intel HD 2000 (1100MHz) Realtek ALC887-VD Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 intel 2.99.910 3.1 Mesa 10.1.0 GCC 4.8 OpenBenchmarking.org Compiler Details - Celeron J1900 Xubuntu: --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-browser-plugin --disable-libmudflap --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-gtk-cairo --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-java-home --enable-languages=c,c++,java,go,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-multiarch --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-abi=m64 --with-arch-32=i686 --with-arch-directory=amd64 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic -v - i7-4700MQ + GT740M: --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-browser-plugin --disable-libmudflap --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-gtk-cairo --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-java-home --enable-languages=c,c++,java,go,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-multiarch --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-abi=m64 --with-arch-32=i686 --with-arch-directory=amd64 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic -v - G840: --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-browser-plugin --disable-libmudflap --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-gtk-cairo --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-java-home --enable-languages=c,c++,java,go,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-multiarch --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-abi=m64 --with-arch-32=i686 --with-arch-directory=amd64 --with-ecj-jar=/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar --with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.8-amd64/jre --with-jvm-jar-dir=/usr/lib/jvm-exports/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.8-amd64 --with-jvm-root-dir=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.8-amd64 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic -v Disk Details - Celeron J1900 Xubuntu: DEADLINE / data=ordered,nobarrier,relatime,rw - i7-4700MQ + GT740M: DEADLINE / data=ordered,nobarrier,relatime,rw - G840: DEADLINE / data=ordered,relatime,rw Processor Details - Celeron J1900 Xubuntu: Scaling Governor: intel_pstate performance - i7-4700MQ + GT740M: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq ondemand - G840: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq ondemand System Details - Disk Scheduler: DEADLINE. Python 2.7.6.
J1900 Speed Tests blogbench: Read ramspeed: Add - Integer ramspeed: Copy - Integer ramspeed: Scale - Integer ramspeed: Triad - Integer ramspeed: Average - Integer ramspeed: Add - Floating Point ramspeed: Copy - Floating Point ramspeed: Scale - Floating Point ramspeed: Triad - Floating Point ramspeed: Average - Floating Point stream: Copy stream: Scale stream: Triad stream: Add network-loopback: Time To Transfer 10GB Via Loopback cachebench: Read cachebench: Write cachebench: Read / Modify / Write system-decompress-bzip2: Phoronix Test Suite v5.0.1 pybench: Total For Average Test Times apache: Static Web Page Serving phpbench: PHP Benchmark Suite Celeron J1900 Xubuntu i7-4700MQ + GT740M G840 336286 7940.87 8126.95 8136.78 7925.32 7905.22 8621.13 8176.45 8107.65 8441.09 8363.78 8011.56 7882.83 8371.93 8375.00 60.73 1488.16 4911.10 8488.32 33.70 7534 6294.15 28698 659408 13763.36 14248.38 14231.09 13887.83 13998.53 15582.13 13990.89 14039.13 15035.37 14824.11 14380.03 14285.12 16123.47 16070.20 16.01 2872.25 15382.88 24835.75 1636 29843.44 128870 346552 11550.09 11973.78 11980.46 11382.94 11353.34 12683.49 11852.47 11839.37 12920.49 12356.19 12248.35 12238.79 13610.69 13643.05 23.62 2363.16 6634.66 20993.32 14.79 2516 12507.47 83622 OpenBenchmarking.org
BlogBench Test: Read OpenBenchmarking.org Final Score, More Is Better BlogBench 1.0 Test: Read Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 140K 280K 420K 560K 700K SE +/- 2889.34, N = 3 SE +/- 3994.46, N = 3 SE +/- 7673.72, N = 3 336286 346552 659408 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread
RAMspeed SMP Type: Add - Benchmark: Integer OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Add - Benchmark: Integer Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 7940.87 11550.09 13763.36
RAMspeed SMP Type: Copy - Benchmark: Integer OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Copy - Benchmark: Integer Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8126.95 11973.78 14248.38
RAMspeed SMP Type: Scale - Benchmark: Integer OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Scale - Benchmark: Integer Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8136.78 11980.46 14231.09
RAMspeed SMP Type: Triad - Benchmark: Integer OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Triad - Benchmark: Integer Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 7925.32 11382.94 13887.83
RAMspeed SMP Type: Average - Benchmark: Integer OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Average - Benchmark: Integer Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 7905.22 11353.34 13998.53
RAMspeed SMP Type: Add - Benchmark: Floating Point OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Add - Benchmark: Floating Point Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8621.13 12683.49 15582.13
RAMspeed SMP Type: Copy - Benchmark: Floating Point OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Copy - Benchmark: Floating Point Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8176.45 11852.47 13990.89
RAMspeed SMP Type: Scale - Benchmark: Floating Point OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Scale - Benchmark: Floating Point Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8107.65 11839.37 14039.13
RAMspeed SMP Type: Triad - Benchmark: Floating Point OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Triad - Benchmark: Floating Point Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8441.09 12920.49 15035.37
RAMspeed SMP Type: Average - Benchmark: Floating Point OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better RAMspeed SMP 3.5.0 Type: Average - Benchmark: Floating Point Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K 8363.78 12356.19 14824.11
Stream Type: Copy OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2013-01-17 Type: Copy Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 8.59, N = 10 SE +/- 7.03, N = 10 SE +/- 14.29, N = 10 8011.56 12248.35 14380.03 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -fopenmp
Stream Type: Scale OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2013-01-17 Type: Scale Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 20.30, N = 10 SE +/- 2.88, N = 10 SE +/- 13.87, N = 9 7882.83 12238.79 14285.12 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -fopenmp
Stream Type: Triad OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2013-01-17 Type: Triad Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 22.36, N = 9 SE +/- 6.85, N = 8 SE +/- 19.74, N = 10 8371.93 13610.69 16123.47 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -fopenmp
Stream Type: Add OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better Stream 2013-01-17 Type: Add Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 11.89, N = 10 SE +/- 6.95, N = 10 SE +/- 18.18, N = 10 8375.00 13643.05 16070.20 1. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -fopenmp
Loopback TCP Network Performance Time To Transfer 10GB Via Loopback OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better Loopback TCP Network Performance Time To Transfer 10GB Via Loopback Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 14 28 42 56 70 SE +/- 1.04, N = 6 SE +/- 0.05, N = 3 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 60.73 23.62 16.01
CacheBench Test: Read OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Read Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 SE +/- 0.12, N = 3 SE +/- 0.60, N = 3 SE +/- 0.51, N = 3 1488.16 2363.16 2872.25 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
CacheBench Test: Write OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Write Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 39.27, N = 3 SE +/- 169.72, N = 6 SE +/- 14.97, N = 3 4911.10 6634.66 15382.88 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
CacheBench Test: Read / Modify / Write OpenBenchmarking.org MB/s, More Is Better CacheBench Test: Read / Modify / Write Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 5K 10K 15K 20K 25K SE +/- 0.39, N = 3 SE +/- 0.36, N = 3 SE +/- 2.48, N = 3 8488.32 20993.32 24835.75 1. (CC) gcc options: -lrt
System BZIP2 Decompression Phoronix Test Suite v5.0.1 OpenBenchmarking.org Seconds, Fewer Is Better System BZIP2 Decompression Phoronix Test Suite v5.0.1 Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 8 16 24 32 40 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 SE +/- 0.25, N = 6 33.70 14.79
PyBench Total For Average Test Times OpenBenchmarking.org Milliseconds, Fewer Is Better PyBench 2008-08-14 Total For Average Test Times Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 4.04, N = 3 SE +/- 16.33, N = 3 SE +/- 2.85, N = 3 7534 2516 1636
Apache Benchmark Static Web Page Serving OpenBenchmarking.org Requests Per Second, More Is Better Apache Benchmark 2.4.7 Static Web Page Serving Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 6K 12K 18K 24K 30K SE +/- 126.10, N = 3 SE +/- 17.94, N = 3 SE +/- 89.91, N = 3 6294.15 12507.47 29843.44 1. (CC) gcc options: -shared -fPIC -O2 -pthread
PHPBench PHP Benchmark Suite OpenBenchmarking.org Score, More Is Better PHPBench 0.8.1 PHP Benchmark Suite Celeron J1900 Xubuntu G840 i7-4700MQ + GT740M 30K 60K 90K 120K 150K SE +/- 964.83, N = 6 SE +/- 183.61, N = 3 SE +/- 190.41, N = 3 28698 83622 128870
Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5