1404011-PL-DIGITALOC85 Benchmarks by Michael Larabel for a future article on Phoronix.com. Ubuntu 13.10 x64: Processor: QEMU Virtual 1.0 @ 2.00GHz (4 Cores), Motherboard: Bochs, Chipset: Intel 440FX- 82441FX PMC, Memory: 1 x 8192 MB RAM, Disk: 79GB, Graphics: VMware SVGA II, Network: Red Hat Virtio device OS: Ubuntu 13.10, Kernel: 3.11.0-12-generic (x86_64), File-System: ext4, System Layer: QEMU 1.0 CentOS 6.5: Processor: QEMU Virtual 1.0 @ 2.40GHz (4 Cores), Motherboard: Bochs, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 79GB OS: CentOS 6.5, Kernel: 2.6.32-431. (x86_64), Compiler: GCC 4.4.7 20120313, File-System: ext4, System Layer: QEMU 1.0 Apache Benchmark 2.4.7 Static Web Page Serving Requests Per Second > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 11542.24 |================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 4898.58 |===================== C-Ray 1.1 Total Time Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 49.55 |============================ CentOS 6.5 ....... 94.79 |===================================================== Timed ImageMagick Compilation 6.8.1-10 Time To Compile Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 111.83 |==================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 80.71 |====================================== Timed Apache Compilation 2.4.7 Time To Compile Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 71.21 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 54.74 |========================================= Smallpt 1.0 Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 234 |======================================================= CentOS 6.5 ....... 189 |============================================ Timed Linux Kernel Compilation 3.1 Time To Compile Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 210.76 |==================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 181.21 |============================================= Himeno Benchmark 3.0 Poisson Pressure Solver MFLOPS > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 968.04 |============================================ CentOS 6.5 ....... 1122.44 |=================================================== PostMark 1.51 Disk Transaction Performance TPS > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 2073 |=============================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 2389 |====================================================== LAME MP3 Encoding 3.99.3 WAV To MP3 Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 24.08 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 21.35 |=============================================== John The Ripper 1.8.0 Test: MD5 Real C/S > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 33237 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 30335 |================================================ Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Read Compiled Tree MB/s > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 442.34 |==================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 416.05 |================================================= Rodinia 2.4 Test: OpenMP CFD Solver Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 207.04 |================================================= CentOS 6.5 ....... 218.82 |==================================================== John The Ripper 1.8.0 Test: Blowfish Real C/S > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 2072 |====================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 1965 |=================================================== Timed HMMer Search 2.3.2 Pfam Database Search Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 25.00 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 23.92 |=================================================== FFmpeg 2.1.1 H.264 HD To NTSC DV Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 28.48 |=================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 29.45 |===================================================== OpenSSL 1.0.1f RSA 4096-bit Performance Signs Per Second > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 276.70 |==================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 278.93 |==================================================== x264 2014-01-09 H.264 Video Encoding Frames Per Second > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 53.12 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 53.25 |===================================================== NGINX Benchmark 1.0.11 Static Web Page Serving Requests Per Second > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 13387.07 |================================================== Tachyon 0.98.9 Total Time Seconds < Lower Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 29.03 |===================================================== VP8 libvpx Encoding 1.1.0 vpxenc Frames Per Second > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 14.92 |===================================================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 14.20 |================================================== John The Ripper 1.8.0 Test: Traditional DES Real C/S > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 4960667 |================================= CentOS 6.5 ....... 7601833 |=================================================== Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Initial Create MB/s > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 71.14 |================================= CentOS 6.5 ....... 113.29 |==================================================== Compile Bench 0.6 Test: Compile MB/s > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 105.68 |===================== CentOS 6.5 ....... 258.01 |==================================================== AIO-Stress 0.21 Test: Random Write MB/s > Higher Is Better Ubuntu 13.10 x64 . 165.74 |======= CentOS 6.5 ....... 1200.00 |===================================================