Plutonium Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz testing with a Dell 0F8098 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 1024MB on Ubuntu 13.04 via the Phoronix Test Suite. NVIDIA GeForce GT 610: Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz @ 2.99GHz (2 Cores), Motherboard: Dell 0F8098, Chipset: Intel 82945G/GZ/P/PL + ICH7, Memory: 2048MB, Disk: 160GB Western Digital WD1600JS-75M, Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 1024MB (810/600MHz), Audio: Intel 82801G, Network: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit PCI OS: Ubuntu 13.04, Kernel: 3.8.0-22-generic (x86_64), Desktop: Unity 7.0.0, Display Server: X Server 1.13.3, Display Driver: NVIDIA 310.44, OpenGL: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 310.44, Compiler: GCC 4.7, File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1280x1024 Encoding: Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz @ 2.99GHz (2 Cores), Motherboard: Dell 0F8098, Chipset: Intel 82945G/GZ/P/PL + ICH7, Memory: 2048MB, Disk: 160GB Western Digital WD1600JS-75M, Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 1024MB (810/600MHz), Audio: Intel 82801G, Network: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit PCI OS: Ubuntu 13.04, Kernel: 3.8.0-22-generic (x86_64), Desktop: Unity 7.0.0, Display Server: X Server 1.13.3, Display Driver: NVIDIA 310.44, OpenGL: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 310.44, Compiler: GCC 4.7, File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1280x1024 Cpu: Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz @ 2.99GHz (2 Cores), Motherboard: Dell 0F8098, Chipset: Intel 82945G/GZ/P/PL + ICH7, Memory: 2048MB, Disk: 160GB Western Digital WD1600JS-75M, Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 1024MB (810/600MHz), Audio: Intel 82801G, Network: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit PCI OS: Ubuntu 13.04, Kernel: 3.8.0-22-generic (x86_64), Desktop: Unity 7.0.0, Display Server: X Server 1.13.3, Display Driver: NVIDIA 310.44, OpenGL: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 310.44, Compiler: GCC 4.7, File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1280x1024 Crafty 23.4 Elapsed Time Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 276.16 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 276.23 |=============================================== Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Copy MB/s > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 2673.85 |============================================== Cpu ................... 2676.55 |============================================== Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Scale MB/s > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 2659.24 |============================================== Cpu ................... 2653.93 |============================================== Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Triad MB/s > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 2940.93 |============================================== Cpu ................... 2941.15 |============================================== Stream 2009-04-11 Type: Add MB/s > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 2923.16 |============================================== Cpu ................... 2925.87 |============================================== FLAC Audio Encoding 1.2.1 WAV To FLAC Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 13.59 |================================================ Encoding .............. 13.38 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 13.39 |=============================================== LAME MP3 Encoding 3.99.3 WAV To MP3 Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 43.32 |=============================================== Encoding .............. 43.93 |================================================ Cpu ................... 43.33 |=============================================== Monkey Audio Encoding 3.99u4b5s6 WAV To APE Seconds < Lower Is Better Encoding . 18.39 |============================================================= WavPack Audio Encoding 4.41.0 WAV To WavPack Seconds < Lower Is Better Encoding . 22.41 |============================================================= Ogg Encoding 1.3.0 WAV To Ogg Seconds < Lower Is Better Encoding . 26.16 |============================================================= Timed MAFFT Alignment 6.864 Multiple Sequence Alignment Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 69.11 |================================================ Cpu ................... 65.94 |============================================== Himeno Benchmark 3.0 Poisson Pressure Solver MFLOPS > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 610.13 |============================================== Cpu ................... 622.87 |=============================================== World of Padman 1.2 1280 x 1024 Frames Per Second > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 103.60 |============================================ Cpu ................... 111.03 |=============================================== 7-Zip Compression 9.20.1 Compress Speed Test MIPS > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 1964 |================================================= Cpu ................... 1966 |================================================= John The Ripper 1.7.9-jumbo-7 Traditional DES Real C/S > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 965195667 |============================================ Cpu ................... 1073000 | John The Ripper 1.7.9-jumbo-7 Blowfish Real C/S > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 489 |=========================================== Cpu ................... 570 |================================================== Parallel BZIP2 Compression 1.1.6 256MB File Compression Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 82.61 |================================================ Cpu ................... 81.14 |=============================================== GraphicsMagick 1.3.16 HWB Color Space Iterations Per Minute > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 45 |================================================= Cpu ................... 47 |=================================================== GraphicsMagick 1.3.16 Local Adaptive Thresholding Iterations Per Minute > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 20 |================================================= Cpu ................... 21 |=================================================== GraphicsMagick 1.3.16 Sharpen Iterations Per Minute > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 12 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 13 |=================================================== GraphicsMagick 1.3.16 Resizing Iterations Per Minute > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 30 |================================================ Cpu ................... 32 |=================================================== Tachyon 0.98.9 Total Time Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 191.49 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 191.17 |=============================================== x264 2013-05-14 H.264 Video Encoding Frames Per Second > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 9.56 |============================================ Encoding .............. 10.25 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 10.40 |================================================ C-Ray 1.1 Total Time Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 385.04 |=============================================== Cpu ................... 384.22 |=============================================== TTSIOD 3D Renderer 2.2z Phong Rendering With Soft-Shadow Mapping FPS > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 10.33 |============================================ Cpu ................... 11.31 |================================================ FFmpeg 1.1 H.264 HD To NTSC DV Seconds < Lower Is Better Encoding . 79.61 |============================================================= Cpu ...... 80.13 |============================================================= Smallpt 1.0 Global Illumination Renderer; 100 Samples Seconds < Lower Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 1354 |================================================= Cpu ................... 1350 |================================================= Apache Benchmark 2.4.3 Static Web Page Serving Requests Per Second > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 3349.13 |============================================== Cpu ................... 3325.49 |============================================== OpenSSL 1.0.1c RSA 4096-bit Performance Signs Per Second > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 24.00 |================================================ Cpu ................... 24.07 |================================================ PostgreSQL pgbench 8.4.11 TPC-B Transactions Per Second TPS > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 112.01 |============================================== Cpu ................... 115.32 |=============================================== Mencoder 1.1 AVI To LAVC Seconds < Lower Is Better Encoding . 75.44 |============================================================= ET: Quake Wars Demo 1280 x 1024 Frames Per Second > Higher Is Better NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 . 36.40 |================================================ Cpu ................... 29.80 |=======================================