Intel Ivy Bridge - SNA vs. UXA vs. GLAMOR Acceleration Comparing Intel UXA, Intel SNA, and Intel GLAMOR from Git in May on an Intel Core i7 3770K Ivy Bridge processor with HD 4000 graphics. Testing for a future article on
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Intel Ivy Bridge - SNA vs. UXA vs. GLAMOR Acceleration Processor Motherboard Chipset Memory Disk Graphics Audio Monitor Network OS Kernel Desktop Display Server Display Driver OpenGL Compiler File-System Screen Resolution Stock UXA IvyBridge SNA GLAMOR Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.50GHz (8 Cores) ECS Z77H2-A2X v1.0 Intel Ivy Bridge DRAM 15360MB 240GB OCZ VERTEX3 Intel Ivy Bridge Realtek ALC892 DELL P2210H Realtek RTL8111/8168B Ubuntu 12.04 3.4.0-999-generic (x86_64) Unity 5.10.0 X Server 1.11.3 intel 2.18.0 2.1 Mesa 8.1-devel (git-e372aa6) GCC 4.6 + Clang 3.1 (SVN 155223) + LLVM 3.1svn ext4 1920x1080 Compiler Details - --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-arch-32=i686 --with-tune=generic -v Graphics Details - Stock UXA: UXA - IvyBridge SNA: SNA - GLAMOR: GLAMOR System Details - Compiz was running on this system.
Intel Ivy Bridge - SNA vs. UXA vs. GLAMOR Acceleration nexuiz: 1920 x 1080 - No - Off openarena: 1920 x 1080 xonotic: 1920 x 1080 - High x11perf: 500px PutImage Square x11perf: Scrolling 500 x 500 px x11perf: Char in 80-char aa line x11perf: PutImage XY 500x500 Square x11perf: Fill 300 x 300px AA Trapezoid x11perf: 500px Copy From Window To Window x11perf: Copy 500x500 From Pixmap To Pixmap x11perf: 500px Compositing From Pixmap To Window x11perf: 500px Compositing From Window To Window jxrendermark: Simple Blit - 128x128 jxrendermark: 12pt Text LCD - 128x128 jxrendermark: Put Composition - 128x128 jxrendermark: Rects Composition - 128x128 jxrendermark: 12pt Text Grayscale - 128x128 jxrendermark: Gradient+Temp Texture - 128x128 jxrendermark: Linear Gradient Blend - 128x128 jxrendermark: Radial Gradient Paint - 128x128 jxrendermark: Transformed Blit Linear - 128x128 jxrendermark: Transformed Blit Bilinear - 128x128 jxrendermark: Transformed Texture Paint - 128x128 cairo-perf-trace: Poppler cairo-perf-trace: Firefox Canvas cairo-perf-trace: GNOME Terminal Vim gtkperf: GtkComboBox gtkperf: GtkCheckButton gtkperf: GtkRadioButton gtkperf: GtkToggleButton gtkperf: GtkComboBoxEntry gtkperf: GtkDrawingArea - Circles gtkperf: GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs Stock UXA IvyBridge SNA GLAMOR 42.44 120.67 47.26 3573 7577 2823333 1.30 2813 7563 7663 7387 7577 2137762.31 24968.38 36138.98 30744.67 3392.95 6917.90 7012.29 10039.23 1356033.92 57929.88 47857.52 3.25 33.90 8.43 15.49 2.29 4.77 16.15 10.01 52.94 4.23 42.31 118.47 47.02 4083 7573 4103333 156 205667 7573 6083 6993 7570 1332587.52 164450.39 82073.68 58034.86 172616.18 463320.82 522377.78 12349.48 2516571.38 259766.83 502344.74 0.83 12.24 2.66 15.10 2.14 4.40 16.30 9.20 30.45 1.24 2393 7563 1423333 1.30 887 4633 4677 5987 4623 83318.89 14862.79 7083.62 2107.34 14359.24 4168.84 4412.64 5442.81 64768.63 24098.69 22169.90 8.53 52.04 22.18
Nexuiz Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - HDR: No - Sound: Off Frames Per Second, More Is Better Nexuiz 2.5.2 Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - HDR: No - Sound: Off IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 10 20 30 40 50 SE +/- 0.57, N = 3 SE +/- 0.08, N = 3 42.31 42.44
OpenArena Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Frames Per Second, More Is Better OpenArena 0.8.5 Resolution: 1920 x 1080 IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 3.35, N = 6 SE +/- 0.18, N = 3 118.47 120.67
Xonotic Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - Effects Quality: High Frames Per Second, More Is Better Xonotic 0.6 Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - Effects Quality: High IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 11 22 33 44 55 SE +/- 0.54, N = 3 SE +/- 0.08, N = 3 47.02 47.26
x11perf Test: 500px PutImage Square Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: 500px PutImage Square GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 SE +/- 12.02, N = 3 SE +/- 8.82, N = 3 2393 4083 3573 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: Scrolling 500 x 500 px Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: Scrolling 500 x 500 px GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 36.67, N = 3 SE +/- 16.67, N = 3 SE +/- 23.33, N = 3 7563 7573 7577 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: Char in 80-char aa line Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: Char in 80-char aa line GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 900K 1800K 2700K 3600K 4500K SE +/- 3333.33, N = 3 SE +/- 13333.33, N = 3 SE +/- 3333.33, N = 3 1423333 4103333 2823333 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: PutImage XY 500x500 Square Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: PutImage XY 500x500 Square GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 30 60 90 120 150 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 SE +/- 0.33, N = 3 SE +/- 0.00, N = 3 1.30 156.00 1.30 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: Fill 300 x 300px AA Trapezoid Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: Fill 300 x 300px AA Trapezoid GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K SE +/- 17.23, N = 3 SE +/- 333.33, N = 3 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 887 205667 2813 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: 500px Copy From Window To Window Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: 500px Copy From Window To Window GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 4633 7573 7563 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: Copy 500x500 From Pixmap To Pixmap Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: Copy 500x500 From Pixmap To Pixmap GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 8.82, N = 3 SE +/- 69.60, N = 3 SE +/- 32.83, N = 3 4677 6083 7663 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: 500px Compositing From Pixmap To Window Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: 500px Compositing From Pixmap To Window GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 23.33, N = 3 SE +/- 118.98, N = 4 SE +/- 38.44, N = 3 5987 6993 7387 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
x11perf Test: 500px Compositing From Window To Window Operations / Second, More Is Better x11perf 1.5 Test: 500px Compositing From Window To Window GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1600 3200 4800 6400 8000 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 SE +/- 10.00, N = 3 SE +/- 3.33, N = 3 4623 7570 7577 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lXext -lXft -lXrender -lX11 -lXmuu -lm
JXRenderMark Test: Simple Blit - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Simple Blit - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 500K 1000K 1500K 2000K 2500K SE +/- 1185.34, N = 12 SE +/- 327032.98, N = 12 SE +/- 23765.80, N = 6 83318.89 1332587.52 2137762.31
JXRenderMark Test: 12pt Text LCD - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: 12pt Text LCD - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K SE +/- 74.95, N = 6 SE +/- 5059.77, N = 12 SE +/- 92.08, N = 6 14862.79 164450.39 24968.38
JXRenderMark Test: Put Composition - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Put Composition - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K SE +/- 200.70, N = 12 SE +/- 1066.60, N = 6 SE +/- 959.26, N = 12 7083.62 82073.68 36138.98
JXRenderMark Test: Rects Composition - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Rects Composition - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 12K 24K 36K 48K 60K SE +/- 28.05, N = 12 SE +/- 16562.54, N = 12 SE +/- 173.36, N = 6 2107.34 58034.86 30744.67
JXRenderMark Test: 12pt Text Grayscale - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: 12pt Text Grayscale - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K SE +/- 163.88, N = 9 SE +/- 7490.23, N = 12 SE +/- 17.84, N = 6 14359.24 172616.18 3392.95
JXRenderMark Test: Gradient+Temp Texture - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Gradient+Temp Texture - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 100K 200K 300K 400K 500K SE +/- 49.62, N = 8 SE +/- 2766.58, N = 6 SE +/- 13.90, N = 6 4168.84 463320.82 6917.90
JXRenderMark Test: Linear Gradient Blend - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Linear Gradient Blend - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 110K 220K 330K 440K 550K SE +/- 102.19, N = 12 SE +/- 47169.16, N = 12 SE +/- 18.69, N = 6 4412.64 522377.78 7012.29
JXRenderMark Test: Radial Gradient Paint - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Radial Gradient Paint - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 3K 6K 9K 12K 15K SE +/- 211.75, N = 12 SE +/- 53.42, N = 6 SE +/- 75.26, N = 6 5442.81 12349.48 10039.23
JXRenderMark Test: Transformed Blit Linear - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Transformed Blit Linear - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 500K 1000K 1500K 2000K 2500K SE +/- 1953.92, N = 12 SE +/- 32283.50, N = 6 SE +/- 64845.41, N = 12 64768.63 2516571.38 1356033.92
JXRenderMark Test: Transformed Blit Bilinear - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Transformed Blit Bilinear - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 60K 120K 180K 240K 300K SE +/- 755.00, N = 12 SE +/- 63927.17, N = 12 SE +/- 269.01, N = 6 24098.69 259766.83 57929.88
JXRenderMark Test: Transformed Texture Paint - Size: 128x128 Operations Per Second, More Is Better JXRenderMark 1.0.1 Test: Transformed Texture Paint - Size: 128x128 GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 110K 220K 330K 440K 550K SE +/- 644.05, N = 12 SE +/- 75309.13, N = 12 SE +/- 522.87, N = 6 22169.90 502344.74 47857.52
cairo-perf-trace Cairo Trace: Poppler Seconds, Fewer Is Better cairo-perf-trace 1.10.2 Cairo Trace: Poppler GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 2 4 6 8 10 SE +/- 0.08, N = 3 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 8.53 0.83 3.25 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lpthread -lpixman-1 -lfontconfig -lpng12 -lXrender -lX11 -lz -ldl -lrt -lm
cairo-perf-trace Cairo Trace: Firefox Canvas Seconds, Fewer Is Better cairo-perf-trace 1.10.2 Cairo Trace: Firefox Canvas GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 12 24 36 48 60 SE +/- 0.76, N = 6 SE +/- 0.20, N = 4 SE +/- 0.19, N = 3 52.04 12.24 33.90 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lpthread -lpixman-1 -lfontconfig -lpng12 -lXrender -lX11 -lz -ldl -lrt -lm
cairo-perf-trace Cairo Trace: GNOME Terminal Vim Seconds, Fewer Is Better cairo-perf-trace 1.10.2 Cairo Trace: GNOME Terminal Vim GLAMOR IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 5 10 15 20 25 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.05, N = 3 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 22.18 2.66 8.43 1. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lpthread -lpixman-1 -lfontconfig -lpng12 -lXrender -lX11 -lz -ldl -lrt -lm
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkComboBox Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkComboBox IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 15.10 15.49 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkCheckButton Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkCheckButton IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 0.5153 1.0306 1.5459 2.0612 2.5765 SE +/- 0.03, N = 3 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 2.14 2.29 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkRadioButton Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkRadioButton IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 1.0733 2.1466 3.2199 4.2932 5.3665 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 SE +/- 0.01, N = 3 4.40 4.77 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkToggleButton Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkToggleButton IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 4 8 12 16 20 SE +/- 0.23, N = 3 SE +/- 0.02, N = 3 16.30 16.15 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkComboBoxEntry Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkComboBoxEntry IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 3 6 9 12 15 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 SE +/- 0.04, N = 3 9.20 10.01 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkDrawingArea - Circles Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkDrawingArea - Circles IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 12 24 36 48 60 SE +/- 3.59, N = 6 SE +/- 0.24, N = 3 30.45 52.94 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
GtkPerf GTK Widget: GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs Seconds, Fewer Is Better GtkPerf 0.40 GTK Widget: GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs IvyBridge SNA Stock UXA 0.9518 1.9036 2.8554 3.8072 4.759 SE +/- 0.02, N = 5 SE +/- 0.07, N = 3 1.24 4.23 1. (CC) gcc options: -lgtk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.5