My Audio Encoding Intel Core i7-2600K testing with a ASUS P8Z68-M PRO under Gentoo Base release 2.0.3 via the Phoronix Test Suite (Audio Encoding) my-audio-encoding: Processor: Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.50GHz (8 Cores), Motherboard: ASUS P8Z68-M PRO, Chipset: Intel Device 0100, Memory: 15872MB, Disk: 2 x 2000GB Seagate ST32000641AS, Graphics: Intel 82437FX, Monitor: H190L OS: Gentoo Base release 2.0.3, Kernel: 3.2.1-gentoo-r2 (x86_64), Desktop: GNOME 2.32.1, Display Driver: intel 2.17.0, Compiler: GCC 4.5.3 + llvm 2.9, File-System: ext2/ext3, Screen Resolution: 1280x1024 FLAC Audio Encoding 1.2.1 WAV To FLAC Seconds < Lower Is Better my-audio-encoding . 6.80 |===================================================== LAME MP3 Encoding 3.99.3 WAV To MP3 Seconds < Lower Is Better my-audio-encoding . 15.17 |==================================================== Monkey Audio Encoding 3.99u4b5s6 WAV To APE Seconds < Lower Is Better my-audio-encoding . 6.37 |===================================================== Ogg Encoding 1.3.0 WAV To Ogg Seconds < Lower Is Better my-audio-encoding . 8.82 |===================================================== WavPack Audio Encoding 4.41.0 WAV To WavPack Seconds < Lower Is Better my-audio-encoding . 10.16 |====================================================